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Baja Arizona🌊. Harris/Walz for the win!
Fighting the good fight in Tucson, AZ, a blue bastion at the edge of an ebbing red sea to the north. Educator, curriculum writer, supporter of science, the Sonoran desert, all cats and bodily autonomy. #Post-refugee #Harris/Walz
844 followers1k following4.2k posts

The first thing I look for in the early mornings is to see if he is hanging out in his owl house. Love these little guys. It's fun to see them swoop out at dusk for their night's work!


We put up an owl house for him in a big mesquite and that's usually where he hangs out. We've had as many as 5 of them, but they disperse in the area. He (she?) is a big part of our lives, we 💗 our birds and critters.


Arizona history has some weird and deep roots.😀


I just looked up early voting in Georgia, which starts October 15. The universe willing, President Carter will vote for Kamala very soon and hopefully watch her being sworn in on MLK Day in January 2025. Please Karma, we need this for him and for us!


Exactly. It's like one of his NYC condos, only these are small enough to fit in a cheap velvet covered box. The money laundering gets ever more obvious and ever more unchecked.


More importantly he can nudge along the LDS vote in the state, especially the rural area in eastern AZ where his family was based. (Snowflake, AZ. . .settled by Mormon pioneer families Snow and Flake. You can't make this up.)


So enjoyed reading this and hearing that Sara is doing so well. She is just thriving with your care. 💗


Yes, Tucson. It will break, but what has changed is the hot months used to start mid-May until mid-Sept. Now it gets hot the end of April to early Oct. What I really noticed growing up in Phoenix through the years is the nights not cooling down-urban heat island effect is real. Tucson much better.


When my cat would sit that way my young nephew would say he has a violin butt. 🎻 😺


Thanks Pelzer. And we didn't get below 83 last night, a bad sign for this late in the year. Looks like another week of it predicted. Coachella valley always had the best wildflowers after rain back in the day. I imagine that's going to change too. 🌵

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Baja Arizona🌊. Harris/Walz for the win!
Fighting the good fight in Tucson, AZ, a blue bastion at the edge of an ebbing red sea to the north. Educator, curriculum writer, supporter of science, the Sonoran desert, all cats and bodily autonomy. #Post-refugee #Harris/Walz
844 followers1k following4.2k posts