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Laura Milan Verena Stein
Bard with many names, screen writer, chaos goblin, Dnd-Lover and proud DM, tries to draw from time to time, studying at Filmuni Babelsberg
71 followers108 following242 posts Last round of the big Charity stream over at pantsless! Gonna be an albatross pirate captain :3

A nonbinary person dressed as a pirate captain with tons of black make up sitting in a leather chair and holding a drink

It is really fun <3 I would love to see you there!


Thanks to Game of Tomes, I got my first Nano. Every good story needs a villian. This november, I raise my undead hordes against the living as an undead elven Bard who just wants to save everyone from disappearing, for undeath is eternal.

An information/advertisment picture for Game of Tomes, an on stream writing game. It reads. "Game of Tomes: Join one of the Houses of Writers to help defeat the undead horde! Every word you write in a participating stream is a point in the battle! Starting November 1 in your time Zone. What will you write? Join us!" and the infowebsites. The backdrop of the text is a geyish undead hand reaching out.

Cant wait for it :3

Reposted by Laura Milan Verena Stein
Reposted by Laura Milan Verena Stein

🚨CAST ANNOUNCEMENT 🚨 This Tuesday we’re starting another short campaign! “Fae Inc” is a D&D 5e adventure that mixes fantasy with corporate. It stars See you Tuesday!


We are live now! Come join us!

the promotional picture for a DND TTRPG Campaign: FAE INC, Episode 2: Truesight Crime in a cyberpunky font, set agains sky scaper with some gold frecles in the Air

Ohhh you look so cool! and your art, too!


aww, i really wanted to read what you said

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Laura Milan Verena Stein
Bard with many names, screen writer, chaos goblin, Dnd-Lover and proud DM, tries to draw from time to time, studying at Filmuni Babelsberg
71 followers108 following242 posts