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Barrie Abalard she/her
Opinions news #cats, etc Not here to fight #bekind #queer #abrosexual Midcentury #technerd; unrepentant #biwhore; old as fuck. Pubhealth/transpo fangurl Former major mkt #radio jock #savecats #LGBTQIA Je parle #francais un peu #Z*n (* bcuz jerks)
217 followers149 following3.1k posts

I write letters for Vote Forward. They are my fave of the letter-writing campaign orgs--nonpartisan/emphasize voting. If you are short on funds, you can ask them to supply you with stamps. Give them a try soon. I like feeling useful in the fight to

About Vote Forward | Vote Forward
About Vote Forward | Vote Forward

Vote Forward helps volunteers encourage fellow Americans to vote.


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Barrie Abalard she/her
Opinions news #cats, etc Not here to fight #bekind #queer #abrosexual Midcentury #technerd; unrepentant #biwhore; old as fuck. Pubhealth/transpo fangurl Former major mkt #radio jock #savecats #LGBTQIA Je parle #francais un peu #Z*n (* bcuz jerks)
217 followers149 following3.1k posts