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Bill Higgins-- Retired Beam Jockey
Physicist. Speaker. Writer. Mono-instrumentalist. My posts are my opinions, and I do not speak for anybody else. Avatar: Bill Heterodyne, smiling & tipping his boater, by Phil Foglio. Banner: Me, infinitely reflected in mirrors.
352 followers141 following2.1k posts

I think the publication of this book, DAISY WHEEL, HEXFOIL, HEXAFOIL, ROSETTE. PROTECTIVE MARKS IN GRAVESTONE ART by Robyn S. Lacy, warrants the reappearance of the DingBat Signal, if any ever did. HT


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Bill Higgins-- Retired Beam Jockey
Physicist. Speaker. Writer. Mono-instrumentalist. My posts are my opinions, and I do not speak for anybody else. Avatar: Bill Heterodyne, smiling & tipping his boater, by Phil Foglio. Banner: Me, infinitely reflected in mirrors.
352 followers141 following2.1k posts