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Bee Collins
Europe #FBPE, Yorkshire, Ireland, teacher, loves politics, art and antique shops. Long-suffering Wednesday fan, Ireland rugby. Left of centre, anti Brexit, #Rejoin #PPR, No DMs
819 followers861 following169 posts
Reposted by Bee Collins

McVey £18k freebies in 2 months. That takes some doing although Farage managed £30k in free flights

Reposted by Bee Collins

In fact Rosie Duffield was so utterly disgusted by Starmer etc accepting donations, she accepted expensive tickets to The Golf Open👇🏼👇🏼 She was also so.. so disgusted by WFA plans she abstained from voting.. whereas she could have voted against it, as she resigned anyway but nope she didn’t 🤷🏼‍♂️🙄

Reposted by Bee Collins

The irony of claiming the moral high ground while throwing shade at her colleagues is almost impressive. Why is this vile transphobe whittering about "social justice" and "the needs of the many" when she can't even grasp the basic concept of equality for all? Fck off, Rosie 🖕🏼

Reposted by Bee Collins

Well now I don't know who to believe, brilliant professors at the French National Centre for Science, the Scripps Institute and the University of Arizona who published their peer-reviewed research in the well-respected journal, 'Cell' or a lazy, ill-informed liar with a second class Classics degree?

Pictures of a scientist and another of Johnson wearing a Covid mask
Reposted by Bee Collins

He is still promoting strongly anti EU rhetoric "take back what is ours" coincidence that it's released just before a massive(ly unreported) march to #REJOINEU this weekend "Fake, lying disgraced shyster stirs trouble/right wing hate to sell pack of lies memoirs" That's what the headline should be

Reposted by Bee Collins

This new breed of Tory is straight out of the libertarian kindergarten. Absolutely no rights or support for anyone. Survival of the fittest. By ‘fittest’ of course, they mean the wealthiest. They have truly dredged the swamp

Reposted by Bee Collins

Schools from the United Learning group are forcing parents & pupils to sign an Attendance contract with their local school. The terms include the commitment that kids will attend school "even if you feel unwell". (Via @AdamHighcliffe) What the fucking fuckity fuck?! (I added this bit.. not Adam)

Reposted by Bee Collins

In my view, the rules should be changed so that, if an MP resigns from the party for which they stood as an MP, there should be an election in that seat.In my view, the rules should be changed so that, if an MP resigns from the party for which they stood as an MP, there should be an election in that seat.

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Bee Collins
Europe #FBPE, Yorkshire, Ireland, teacher, loves politics, art and antique shops. Long-suffering Wednesday fan, Ireland rugby. Left of centre, anti Brexit, #Rejoin #PPR, No DMs
819 followers861 following169 posts