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Glenn Birmingham
Writer, fountain pen enthusiast, former ethical software engineer. Recovering from stroke & brain damage. Financial support appreciated! He/Him
21 followers11 following54 posts

To mark the season we’re offering a new special edition

A female kākāpō in an underground nest.

Definitely the most difficult part.


I fell in a hole. Well, I fell in the hole more than a year ago, but I recently lost progress in my climb out. The storm hits in ten days and there's nothing I can physically or mentally do to stop it, because my stress intolerance is kicking in hard and shutting me down.


If you're a patron at any tier that gets my ebooks, there might be something waiting for you on Patreon =] Happy reading! And if you're not, did you know that patrons get ebooks and audiobooks early?

A green starling cougar gryphon standing atop a rock in a jungle. Behind him is a murmuration of starling gryphons filling the sky. He has angry eyes. At the top of the book cover is the author name, K. Vale Nagle, with a line effect above and below that fades into the background. Below the rock the starling is on are the words PRIDE LORD in large caps. Below that is a similar line to the one framing the author name, but this time, it has the series title: Gryphon Insurrection Book Eight. The Ls in Pride Lord are like cat tails falling down to lower shelves to tickle the noses of the words below. Art by Jeff Brown.

I did a thing. I wrote up some "making of" content for Poison Dogs. It feels good while also feeling really arrogant. I'm excited to share the crazy origins of Poison Dogs with people, but I feel conceited for thinking anyone will be interested. Is that normal?


I'm so tired. Finished my two programming interviews. I did better than I expected and worse than I needed to. Now it's the waiting game to hear back about whether I'm worthy. On the one hand, I'm not recovered enough for the work. On the other - I really need insurance and, you know, income.


I think this earns you a treat.


Fun fact: I have spent 109 hours editing Poison Dogs so far. That's about 4 seconds per word. Can't wait for my brain to get better!


This is how I feel about the word "torture".

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Glenn Birmingham
Writer, fountain pen enthusiast, former ethical software engineer. Recovering from stroke & brain damage. Financial support appreciated! He/Him
21 followers11 following54 posts