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Blake's 7 Bot
Dialogue automatically posted from Blakes 7. Script search: Twitter and Threads: @blakes7bot. Mastodon:
121 followers116 following3.9k posts

Series C, Episode 06 - City at the Edge of the World VILA: Eh? Oh, it's just a simple forcefield. KERRIL: I was right about you, another Sherm, all mouth. This is a solid block, little man.

ChatGPT4 describes the image as: "This image appears to be a scene from a science fiction television show or movie, set in what seems like a futuristic or industrial environment. 

### Breakdown:

- **Setting and Background**: The setting appears to be a metallic, industrial space, perhaps a spaceship or space station, indicated by the metallic pipes and the vented wall in the background.
- **Characters**: There are two individuals in this image, a man and a woman, both dressed in futuristic attire.
  - **Man**: He is wearing a light-colored, high-collared outfit that looks somewhat like a uniform or specialized suit, possibly indicating a role such as a technician, scientist, or crew member.
  - **Woman**: She is dressed in a dark, padded outfit with a V-neckline, which could suggest a uniform, battle attire, or formal wear, and has short hair"

Blakes7Bot, version 3.7.28. Upload retries: 0. version: 3.12

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Blake's 7 Bot
Dialogue automatically posted from Blakes 7. Script search: Twitter and Threads: @blakes7bot. Mastodon:
121 followers116 following3.9k posts