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Doctor Memory
Just another bozo on this bus: please deflate your shoes before entering. The artist formerly known as dr_memory@twit (and same on livejournal, remember them?) and currrently also known as on mastodon.
616 followers225 following7.6k posts

But a thing I didn't know at the time was that it had the Game of Thrones problem: Otomo was only 2/3rds of the way through writing the manga when the movie deal came together, so they were very much winging it through the ending there.


I think the movie just _barely_ holds it together on pure vibes and style, but you have to just ignore the multiple ways in which the plot is insane, and the implicit endorsement of nationalistic Japanese militarism is... not great, bob.

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Doctor Memory
Just another bozo on this bus: please deflate your shoes before entering. The artist formerly known as dr_memory@twit (and same on livejournal, remember them?) and currrently also known as on mastodon.
616 followers225 following7.6k posts