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Shani 🫧🍉
Solo parent, supporting a brave autistic child, expert lip syncer, defends traditional public schools, public libraries and “fare-evaders and beaters.” defund the police. STFU about Chicago. Go #B1GCats!
1.1k followers572 following5.5k posts
Reposted by Shani 🫧🍉
Reposted by Shani 🫧🍉

Suicide rates are lower in U.S. counties with more health insurance coverage and broadband internet access and higher income, a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis suggests.

Insurance, income, internet linked to lower suicide rates in new analysis
Insurance, income, internet linked to lower suicide rates in new analysis

The CDC report found that counties with the most health insurance had a 26 percent lower suicide rate than counties with the lowest levels of three community factors.

Reposted by Shani 🫧🍉

Malcolm Gladwell is just Thomas Chatterton Williams on edibles. TAKE HEED, FRIENDS. It’s just about time to tip those losers’ points!!!

Reposted by Shani 🫧🍉

I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!! The feeling of vindication that just thundered through me! OMG, I’ve been in the anti-Gladwell trenches! OMG! Writing a whole book that’s like, “if you just do SOMETHING a bunch of times, you’ll become a genius at it” is a clear predecessor to AI models!!!!!

Reposted by Shani 🫧🍉

So the account is impersonating me and running donation scams so I'm gonna need all of you to do me a block and report favour please

Reposted by Shani 🫧🍉

If you can help lessen some suffering for someone today, take that opportunity.

Reposted by Shani 🫧🍉

An update on Dr. Saber in Gaza. He hasn't posted in 11 days on IG, Twitter, or TikTok and I can't reach him. If there's anyone out there who has contact with him, pls do let us crafters know he's ok. Ppl are messaging me and I'm not sure what to do apart from send out a bat signal for now.

Reposted by Shani 🫧🍉

Mohamed is a real person in Gaza who lives displaced in a tent supporting his large family under the severe conditions of genocide. He has uses his account to make earnest, eloquent, pleas for support with established validity for his fundraising efforts & I chat him as my friend all the time.

Reposted by Shani 🫧🍉

IMO the fear that is unexpressed in the U.S. at this time is that the country can't actually do big things. That the political culture means everyone is a sitting duck. This means that all of us are at the mercy of major forces we don't control with the likelihood that we'll be on our own.

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Shani 🫧🍉
Solo parent, supporting a brave autistic child, expert lip syncer, defends traditional public schools, public libraries and “fare-evaders and beaters.” defund the police. STFU about Chicago. Go #B1GCats!
1.1k followers572 following5.5k posts