Kris Taylor
Bostonian. Succeeded in moving back to Vegas. I’m much happier. Breast cancer, cerebral palsy, neuropathy. Sarcastic, loyal and hopefully funny. Archie the pug’s mom
97 followers90 following1.5k posts

Woke up feeling super sorry for myself. Trying real hard to get over myself but woof some days it’s hard.


Well it sounds like he did a great job!


I am the queen of the loud sneeze. Delicate flower I have never been.


Well I didn’t think it possible that 2 of the world’s most basic foods (toast and scrambled eggs) could taste truly disgusting and yet, chemo has succeeded in doing just that.


Oh yay!


So the Tuesday night after chemo remains the worst. Imagine being up all night with the worst dry mouth of your life and it never subside no matter how much water you drink Bonus: also up peeing all night.


I have never “had” to set an alarm in my life. I have always woken up about 15 minutes before I have to get up my entire life.


This is the type of thing that would drive me nuts. “Hey I’m headed to the recycling bin, want me to take those down for you” (yes, passive aggressive fight me lol)


So, my blood sugar took a nose dive at the end of my chemo and I almost threw up and passed out in the chemo room. So bought myself extra time in the chair with fluids. Then for real fun, my stoned ass got in the wrong Lyft for the ride home. ( it’s fine! I’m safe!)but no one will get paid


Ok peoples, chemo #11 at 9 am this morning. As always, good vibes that the allergic reaction isn’t too bad. Starting today with a cup of coffee and either a raspberry toaster strudel or raisin toast. May actually try some coffee this afternoon when I get home because I hate losing Tuesday/Wednesday.

Kris Taylor
Bostonian. Succeeded in moving back to Vegas. I’m much happier. Breast cancer, cerebral palsy, neuropathy. Sarcastic, loyal and hopefully funny. Archie the pug’s mom
97 followers90 following1.5k posts