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Bradford Vivian
968 followers252 following1k posts
Reposted by Bradford Vivian

The best way to promote free speech in US higher ed is not through private anonymous donorships. It’s through robust public funding for fully desegregated, equal-opportunity, merit-based higher education.


The best way to promote free speech in US higher ed is not through private anonymous donorships. It’s through robust public funding for fully desegregated, equal-opportunity, merit-based higher education.

Reposted by Bradford Vivian
Reposted by Bradford Vivian

Too tired to write this out again so screenshotting my LinkedIn post. Deeply disappointed in the

I debated whether or not to share this because I don't want to platform this article or these ideas. That is one of many exhausting decisions that folks from marginalized groups have to make on a constant basis. Do we speak up and draw attention to the bigotry? Do we stay silent? Which choice is better for the greater good? For our own health? But I've felt sick to my stomach about this since it landed in my inbox, and I hope that using my voice to call it out will help me feel better. 

The Chronicle of Higher Education: it is exhausting, demoralizing, and deeply upsetting for marginalized folks (in this case, disabled people), to have to wake up to see our humanity up for debate, our right to learn up for debate. It is deeply disappointing to see one of the main trade publications in the industry where I've worked for twenty years casually debating my human rights and the rights of huge swaths of our students. 

You failed on this one. There are conversations to be had about hashtag#

I couldn’t believe they published this. It’s such a failing.

Reposted by Bradford Vivian

I'm thrilled that Polarized by Degrees, my new book with

Reposted by Bradford Vivian

What if professors actually have an ethical, pedagogical, and even legal responsibility to make sure the classroom is an open forum not simply for *their* speech, but for the speech—and educational opportunity—of the most historically and structurally marginalized students?

Reposted by Bradford Vivian

IMO, making the classroom a hostile environment for student groups historically—and unfairly or illegally—excluded from it is not a component of any professor’s academic freedom.

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Bradford Vivian
968 followers252 following1k posts