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mauslegungssache (donnie der justizielle kobold)
vegan bhoy with legal texts under his arms and a lot of love for fries. 🍟 He/him. team asyl- und migrationsrecht ✊🏽🖤 👉🏽 100% echte mausige skeets
303 followers280 following3.4k posts

shots fired


Calling the Brits a "devastating microorganism" is a little weird, but l'll take it.

CNN International:
This New York student won a $250,000 prize for his research on the devastating microorganism which caused the Irish Potato Famine

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mauslegungssache (donnie der justizielle kobold)
vegan bhoy with legal texts under his arms and a lot of love for fries. 🍟 He/him. team asyl- und migrationsrecht ✊🏽🖤 👉🏽 100% echte mausige skeets
303 followers280 following3.4k posts