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Bri 💝
Editorial workflow + rights manager (and ‘resident reader’) @sciam / complainer & complimenter @ everywhere else
804 followers61 following14 posts
Reposted by Bri 💝

It turns out that people who work at Scientific American like reading sci-fi novels. (I know. Shocking.) Want to know our recommendations, both new and classics? Well, we just published a list of our all-time favs. Read long (or short) and prosper.

Science-Fiction Books Scientific American’s Staff Love
Science-Fiction Books Scientific American’s Staff Love

Scientific American’s staff share their favorite sci-fi books, from beloved classics to overlooked gems and our modern favorites


Have you also read this book our opinion editor is describing?


Looking for a book with actually great quantum physics? Our Newsletter Editor has a recommendation for you


Have you read this alien book that introduced our physics and space editor to a lifelong love of space?

Reposted by Bri 💝

Hurricane Helene is starting out big and is likely to be in the top 10% size-wise for hurricanes at this latitude. It's sucking up more moisture and heat over the Gulf of Mexico and will cause storm surges and flooding well inland. By 🧪

Hurricane Helene Will Bring Strong Winds, Flash Flooding and Storm Surge
Hurricane Helene Will Bring Strong Winds, Flash Flooding and Storm Surge

Hurricane Helene is a large storm set to bring substantial storm surge to the coast of Florida, as well as wind and rain-driven flooding up into Tennessee and South Carolina

Reposted by Bri 💝

"Should it turn out that we have our first Black woman president...and we continue to export 2,000-pound bombs to perpetrate a genocide, in defense of a state...practicing apartheid, I won’t be able to just sit here and shake my head and say, ‘Well, that is unfortunate.’"

The Return of Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Return of Ta-Nehisi Coates

A decade after “The Case for Reparations,” he is ready to take on Israel, Palestine, and the American media.

Reposted by Bri 💝

My latest, for! How many species used to live in the past? And how good are we at actually recognizing them when we see them? Seemingly simple questions! Exceedingly tricky answers! 🧪🦖🌎

How Many Dinosaur Species Roamed Earth? It’s Surprisingly Hard to Know
How Many Dinosaur Species Roamed Earth? It’s Surprisingly Hard to Know

The incompleteness of the fossil record complicates efforts to figure out how life on Earth is faring today

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Bri 💝
Editorial workflow + rights manager (and ‘resident reader’) @sciam / complainer & complimenter @ everywhere else
804 followers61 following14 posts