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Brian Ashford
Role-player, husband, parent. Woke PoS. Staff at Ancient Robot Games in Edinburgh. Why you are rolling the dice is far more important than which dice you are rolling. He/him.
272 followers308 following1.6k posts
Reposted by Brian Ashford

In two weeks this content thief has racked up 14k followers. Stealing other people’s Intellectual Property. I thought people on BlueSky were better than that. Obviously not. This place is just going to devolve into Twitter if we don’t take a stand.

Reposted by Brian Ashford

Just a country bombing another sovereign nation's capital whilst claiming they're not at war.

Reposted by Brian Ashford

Today in "Wait, WHAT?" I learned that Gene Wolfe — recondite, abstruse SF/F author Gene Wolfe — invented the machine that makes Pringles potato chips. It's on the company's own FAQ, which also implies his signature mustache may have inspired their ad mascot.

Reposted by Brian Ashford
Reposted by Brian Ashford

My favorite thing about RPGs is how they generate and reverberate art. You make something, and someone else riffs. Your friend has an idea, you iterate. Someone blogs, someone responds. People are making wonderful, wonderful things with His Majesty the Worm.

Reposted by Brian Ashford

If anybody needs a copy editor for their tabletop RPG, I'm available. I work for reasonable rates and can provide references. I need to drum up some money to cover rent. Drop me a DM and we can discuss terms.


Newer is always better. AI is as inevitable as BitCoin replacing money and 3D TVs in every home.

Reposted by Brian Ashford

***two fucking years*** in prison for throwing soup at the glass covering on top of a painting. TWO YEARS. Imagine a judge expressing the same real anger and sneering vindictiveness when describing a fossil exec choosing to kill Earth's life support systems.

Passing sentence at Southwark crown court on Friday, the judge, Christopher Hehir, told them: “You two simply had no right to do what you did to Sunflowers, and your arrogance in thinking otherwise deserves the strongest condemnation.

“The pair of you came within the thickness of a pane of glass of irreparably damaging or even destroying this priceless treasure, and that must be reflected in the sentences I pass.”
Reposted by Brian Ashford

Since it's becoming relevant again (which is so fucking annoying) to be clear when you give a platform to a nazi your supporting the nazi So uh yeah punch nazis Report them, block them and dont give them equal space (in news, in social media or wherever) two sides doesnt apply to genocide

An anthro female wolverine (best guess) punching a most likely male wold wearing an nazi armband
Reposted by Brian Ashford

I love the fact that Gondor and Rohan didn't even exist at the time he started writing Lord of the Rings. It's something to put all our finest RPG world-building into context. Just build what you need, when you need it.

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Brian Ashford
Role-player, husband, parent. Woke PoS. Staff at Ancient Robot Games in Edinburgh. Why you are rolling the dice is far more important than which dice you are rolling. He/him.
272 followers308 following1.6k posts