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Brian Yaksha (He/They)
Frequently ENnie-Nominated Writer & Designer of Sandbox Toolkits, Narrative Designer, Horrorist. Also won an ENnie, apparently. I'm unsure of how that works when its a team effort. Do I get it in the mail or---
522 followers222 following3.6k posts

As if some horrid thing, be it mind or devil or something stranger still - picked you and grabbed you by the chins and said: "Bring about the crescendo, I tire of these trite motifs." All of which is quite applicable to current circumstances in my life.. But getting it all operatic-like? Curious.


Only human to desire protection and mutualism; especially when you were told that is what all should be allotted - even as it was stripped from you at too young an age. Guts for garters and all that I guess. Only way out is through. Things circle for too long and you're gone down the drain innit?

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Brian Yaksha (He/They)
Frequently ENnie-Nominated Writer & Designer of Sandbox Toolkits, Narrative Designer, Horrorist. Also won an ENnie, apparently. I'm unsure of how that works when its a team effort. Do I get it in the mail or---
522 followers222 following3.6k posts