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Natural Resource Manager-USN, Virginia Tech, USN Veteran, Roman Catholic. Interests: Photography, ASRoma, Mets, Azzurri, NYIslanders, MCFC, Tolkien, Naval History & Warfare, SpaceExploration, SupportUkraine 🇺🇦, SupportIsrael 🇮🇱.
53 followers113 following8 posts

Lord of the Rings & the original Dragonlance trilogy.


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Natural Resource Manager-USN, Virginia Tech, USN Veteran, Roman Catholic. Interests: Photography, ASRoma, Mets, Azzurri, NYIslanders, MCFC, Tolkien, Naval History & Warfare, SpaceExploration, SupportUkraine 🇺🇦, SupportIsrael 🇮🇱.
53 followers113 following8 posts