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Doug Gordon
Co-host, The War on Cars podcast. Writer, TV producer, creator of other things. Born at 330.21 ppm. I run a lot. (he/him)
5.6k followers898 following3.5k posts

No great or fast solution here, but the focus on print media, while important in an age of social media and shared headlines, sometimes misses the point that most swing state voters are not getting their news from the NY Times and the Washington Post but from just leaving the TV on all the time.


Would be a lot better if they could edit out the few moments of coherence and instead say, "Trump was in Wisconsin today and made a set of incoherent and outrageous claims about low-flow toilets and immigrants riding sharks to sneak into the country" before showing a supercut of such statements.


It's a tough spot to be in. They can't air him uninterrupted because that's bad, but when they air these quick cuts with no more setup than "Trump was in Wisconsin today and made the case against Harris" it's also bad!


Print and online journalists "sanewashing" Trump is very bad, but what happens when his speeches are laundered through cable news seems worse. His long rambling speeches are cut down to few choice comments about immigration or the economy or Harris' fitness, and he's essentially edited to coherence.


Ha. I host a podcast and think, "is that what my voice really sounds like when i talk?" So adding video is really something.


It's so strange! Also I hate looking at myself when I'm recording, so the screen staring right back at me makes it hard.


I had to shoot some selfie-style video for something I'm putting together for The War on Cars and I felt so awkward! I know it's a skill that takes practice, but it's such a peculiar thing about our constantly connected age. The folks who do this for a living... it's an honest-to-god talent.

Reposted by Doug Gordon

If you're upset by art not being damaged in protest against climate change, I can only imagine how furious you'll be at the actual damage to art caused by climate change.

Rothko Chapel Closes Indefinitely After Hurricane Damage | Artnet News
Rothko Chapel Closes Indefinitely After Hurricane Damage | Artnet News

The Rothko Chapel, which features murals by painter Mark Rothko, will close after sustaining damage during Hurricane Beryl.

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Doug Gordon
Co-host, The War on Cars podcast. Writer, TV producer, creator of other things. Born at 330.21 ppm. I run a lot. (he/him)
5.6k followers898 following3.5k posts