By Way of Plymouth
Call me Sam! Antifascist file clerk, he/him, Boston MA local. Mastodon: Twitter: Icon shamelessly lifted from
293 followers194 following820 posts

Thank you for the kind words. 😌 There are positive signs about stances regarding these losers changing; see this piece on the arrest of head figures of the Terrorgram Collective. The relatively non-violent ones are still bound to fall through the cracks. Not today, though!

‘Terrorgram’ Charges Show US Has Had Tools to Crack Down on Far-Right Terrorism All Along
‘Terrorgram’ Charges Show US Has Had Tools to Crack Down on Far-Right Terrorism All Along

The federal indictment of two alleged members of the Terrorgram Collective, a far-right cell accused of inspiring “lone wolf” attacks, reveals the US is now using a “forgotten” legal strategy.


For what it's worth, Reihner wasn't non-violent. It's clear in his rhetoric, especially his remarks on commie-stomping outside the Harvard Coop in 2019. It's to my understanding that he was simply VERY BAD at throwing hands, but real good at catching 'em! Had yet to learn not to block with his face.


POST-SCRIPT: As the guy who originally received this tip and wrote the ensuing thread for


While it's vital to disrupt the organizing of local neo-Nazis, it's also vital to keep them away from positions of power where they can potentially indoctrinate ANYONE. As ever, there is still much work that needs to be done. ∴


On that note, if anyone in the radius of the indispensible happens to have the full version of Alex Jones's interview of Reihner on 12/03/2017, I'd certainly appreciate a copy! I only have the bits and bobs, and I know it's a longshot ask.


Find enclosed my dossier on Jarek Reihner, which deals more directly on information about the neo-Nazi in question and will be updated as more information becomes available to me.


Just because the guy hasn't been seen seig-heiling in public for five years doesn't mean he's stopped being a neo-Nazi, and neo-Nazis have no place anyway near students or kids. It's ultimately up to Jarek Reihner's community to decide on whether or not he'll be held to account.


While the '19 March Against Cages may have been the last time Reihner was seen in public as an obvious neo-Nazi and member of Patriot Front, it's possible that he was one of the unidentified members of Resist Marxism's Blue Bloc during 2018 or of NSC-131 from 2020 on.


"New England Nationalist" also happens to be Mark "Bill Massachusetts of Patriot Front" Hayden's Telegram handle. Seems like those things might be related somehow? I have a dossier for Hayden too.

A screenshot of a Telegram profile. The account nickname is "Bill," consistent with Mark Hayden's "Bill Massachusetts" Patriot Front moniker. The Telegram handle is "@newenglandnationalist." The bio is set as "Father. Husband. Christian. American." The profile photo is of two white men in black trunks boxing in a ring, with several Patriot Front banners hanging from the gym's rafters. The man on the right of the photo is likely Mark Hayden.

"New England Nats" was a public Telegram chat that shared both local PF and NSC-131 propaganda made private by its operators at the end of 2021, the locking-down of which I've lamented in other missives.

By Way of Plymouth
Call me Sam! Antifascist file clerk, he/him, Boston MA local. Mastodon: Twitter: Icon shamelessly lifted from
293 followers194 following820 posts