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Carl T. Bergstrom
Biology professor at the University of Washington. I study how information flows in biology, science, and society. I wrote a book: *Calling Bullshit*: I love ravens and crows: he/him
47.5k followers1.5k following4.3k posts

Papers are not the output of scientific research in the same way that cars are the output of automobile manufacturing. Papers are merely a vehicle through which a portion of the output of research is shared. We confuse the two at our peril.


I keep trying to explain that to my students regarding class writing, too. The purpose of class writing assignments is not "Oh boy, I get sixteen essays on Trojan Women to grade!", it's to teach those students how to write--and assess if they understand what they've read.


The entire idea of outsourcing the scientific ecosystem to LLMs — as described below — is a concept error that I can scarcely begin to get my head around.

In our report:

    We propose and run a fully AI-driven system for automated scientific discovery, applied to machine learning research.
    The AI Scientist automates the entire research lifecycle, from generating novel research ideas, writing any necessary code, and executing experiments, to summarizing experimental results, visualizing them, and presenting its findings in a full scientific manuscript.
    We also introduce an automated peer review process to evaluate generated papers, write feedback, and further improve results. It is capable of evaluating generated papers with near-human accuracy.
    The automated scientific discovery process is repeated to iteratively develop ideas in an open-ended fashion and add them to a growing archive of knowledge, thus imitating the human scientific community.
    In this first demonstration, The AI Scientist conducts research in diverse subfields within machine learning research, discovering novel contributions in popular areas

Somebody doesn't have enough publications for tenure. 😁


a decade ago I presented on the Taylorist fallacy as applied to higher ed.: the assumption that the output of educational facilities are the graduates on whom we bestow degrees, rather than the skills and knowledge we try to instill in them. Just as papers are a vehicle, so too are graduates.


Further, "scientific research" is more akin to "the automobile industry", which is now thinking beyond build-sell cycles. Even if you insist on Taylorism in manufacturing that may not be the optimal approach for your company or industry. (And almost certainly isn't the ethically most appropriate.)


I would go even further and say they are not an output at all in any sense analogous to manufacturing, but a stage in a continuous process


Considering how human writers treat "papers published" and "citations gathered" as a metric to maximize already, I don't know if this idea is too much of a stretch. Might just be your framing, but this reads like mocking parody to me.

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Carl T. Bergstrom
Biology professor at the University of Washington. I study how information flows in biology, science, and society. I wrote a book: *Calling Bullshit*: I love ravens and crows: he/him
47.5k followers1.5k following4.3k posts