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Merriweather Pre-Op Pavilion ๐Ÿ‰
i'm Thomasin, i'm a 33 year old trans woman. I like hifi and model kits and video games and Magic cards. i'm hopefully starting HRT soon.
358 followers246 following7.2k posts
Reposted by Merriweather Pre-Op Pavilion ๐Ÿ‰

Itโ€™s fine. Iโ€™m not mad. I just think if youโ€™re getting a MacArthur โ€œGeniusโ€ Grant they should make it more clear that itโ€™s the sarcastic version

Reposted by Merriweather Pre-Op Pavilion ๐Ÿ‰

Can I have some help with getting food? I just donโ€™t have any groceries in my hotel room right now and Iโ€™m hungry/dealing with food insecurity. I love you and Iโ€™m sorry. Iโ€™m trying so hard to get a job and interviewing with PR places. Venmo/cashapp: junostump PayPal:

Reposted by Merriweather Pre-Op Pavilion ๐Ÿ‰

I can be pretty mean on here sometimes but my literal job is trying to make sure trans kids and adults can continue accessing transition care. Please hit me up I will help you as much as I can ๐Ÿ’•

Reposted by Merriweather Pre-Op Pavilion ๐Ÿ‰

i let my fists do the shitting *punches toilet into smithereens*

Reposted by Merriweather Pre-Op Pavilion ๐Ÿ‰

"When it comes to politics and politicians I call it politicks." ~ Pitbull

oh jesus god no


Reposted by Merriweather Pre-Op Pavilion ๐Ÿ‰

Bernie Sanders introduced legislation to stop arms sales to Israel. Get on those phones.

Bernie writes:
"Today, with colleagues, I introduced legislation to block arms sales to Israel.

Sending more weapons to Netanyahu's extremist government is immoral & illegal: U.S. weapons are responsible for far too many civilian casualties in Gaza.

We must end our complicity in this atrocity." (Images of the bill attached.)
Reposted by Merriweather Pre-Op Pavilion ๐Ÿ‰

โ€œOh they got this all screwed upโ€

Lionel Hutz โ€œNo money downโ€ screenshot replaced with Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo with edits to make it read Buffalo from Buffalo which Buffalo Buffalo from Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo from Buffalo
Reposted by Merriweather Pre-Op Pavilion ๐Ÿ‰

The indirect benefits of free lunches

Screenshot of a tweet taken from yet another social network but summarize that it is a note to summarize a quote of a quote here a paper from the National Bureau of economic research showing a result that free lunch programs reduce the amount that parents spend at grocery stores which makes grocery stores cut their prices because demand is down and so everyone in the area gets lower grocery prices
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Merriweather Pre-Op Pavilion ๐Ÿ‰
i'm Thomasin, i'm a 33 year old trans woman. I like hifi and model kits and video games and Magic cards. i'm hopefully starting HRT soon.
358 followers246 following7.2k posts