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Cephalopods Daily
🐙🦑 Cephalopod Enthusiast and Weezer Fan 🦑🐙
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Taonius squids are just a classic cranchiid. Like many cranchiids, their bodies are almost completely transparent and they are often found with their arms raised above their heads, giving them their signature funky look. #SQUIDtember

A Taonius sp. swimming in the ocean. Its body is transparent, except for one of its digestive gland, which is a long thin red organ, and eyes which are reddish. Its tentacles are translucent with orange tips.
Two photos of a Taonius borealis. The squid has deep red chromatophores all over its body. The first photo is from straight on and slightly above. Its eyes are looking down, its limbs are all pointing straight up, and its mantle is going straight back. The second photo is in front of its head. It is looking forward with sad, depressed eyes and its limbs are up and going back. Its mantle is going back and slightly down. Its siphon is just below its eyes, looking like a mouth.
A Taonius sp. inking. Its body is oriented on a diagonal, with its face pointing to the upper left. Its arms and tentacles are raised above its head, at a 90 degree and to its body. Its body is translucent, with some red chromatophores on its mantle. Its eyes and limbs have more visible chromatophores, so you can't see through them. You can see into its mantle, including a long orange digestive gland  that is oriented vertically. Its mantle is filled with ink that it is slowly releasing from its siphon, so it is looks like someone exhaling smoke or a vape.
A Taonius borealis floating vertically in the ocean. Its mantle is transparent, with its digestive gland, a long orange digestive gland  that is oriented vertically, being the only visible organ its body. Its limbs are being held up above its head, giving the appearance of a funky hairdo. The arms are a light, translucent blue that go orange at the tip. It has large eyes and eye sockets, with large chromatophores below the eyes. Its siphon is just below its eyes, looking like a mouth.

I love this animal. The skrunkly


🦑📷MBARI , MBARI, MBARI, NOAA Ocean Exploration

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Cephalopods Daily
🐙🦑 Cephalopod Enthusiast and Weezer Fan 🦑🐙
698 followers44 following1.6k posts