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AuDHD, CPTSD (she/they) ~Bangalore,India ~ Maker of beautiful things(Knitting & Crocheting) Bedbound by ME/CFS now I write here Buy my art support me
368 followers160 following2.7k posts

🧶 knitting - Decided to send both the pairs because the idea is to keep the person warm and also couldn't make myself frog the first pair. 😬


Lift your attention For the appearance of the next road It might be through a family of trees, a desert, or On rolling waves of sea It's the ancient road the soul knows We always remember it when we see it It beckons at birth It carries us home - Road by Joy Harjo #Poetry#LiterarureSky 💙📚👀

"Road" by Joy Harjo

We stand first in our minds, and then we toddle From hand to furniture

Soon we are walking away from the house and lands Of our ancestral creator gods

To the circles of friends, of schooling, of work

Making families and worlds of our own.

We make our way through storm and sun

We walk side by side against each other

The last road will be taken alone-

There might be crowds calling for blood Or a curtained window by the leaving bed

It is best to not be afraid

Lift your attention

For the appearance of the next road

It might be through a family of trees, a desert, or On rolling waves of sea

It's the ancient road the soul knows

We always remember it when we see it

It beckons at birth

It carries us home
Reposted by Chembu🌺

send peanut butter bacon balls IMMEDIATELY

Peanut butter bacon balls could  be the best hope for these tiny  endangered marsupials
Julia Creek dunnart
Reposted by Chembu🌺

For aurorawest on tumblr, a Northern Saw-Whet Owl. I just love the color patterns on the juveniles. Thanks for donating to the Waymakers challenge! 🪶🐡🎨 Time is running out to get your donations in and help support the rights of immigrant kids in the US! Ends Sept. 30:

Digital illustration of a juvenile Northern Saw-Whet Owl looking directly at the viewer. It clings to a single branch in the shadows, only very slightly obscured by impressionistic bright white cedar branches. The background is a mottled mix of light and shadow. The bird, a very small owl, has a large head with two golden eyes.
Reposted by Chembu🌺

The great Maggie Smith passed away,what she achieved in her career is absolutely unbelievable,one of the greatest actor in the history of cinema and television. I can't never ever forget professor McGonagall from Harry Potter and her performance as Dowager Countess in Downton Abbey is just spotless.


I take refuge in the quiet, and let my burdens go, one by one, until the earth and I both float in the same vast and holy silence. ~~ Danna Faulds ~~ - #Poetry#LiteratureSky 💙📚👀


I lay myself down on the welcoming ground, the earth's spine becoming mine.

Peace seeps into heavy limbs and slows my heartbeat to the pace of nature.

I take refuge in the quiet, and let my burdens go, one by one, until the earth and I both float in the same vast and holy silence.

~~ Danna Faulds ~~

This is how a human being can change. There is a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. Suddenly, he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he is no longer a worm. - Rumi #Poetry#LiteratureSky 💙📚👀

The Worm's Waking

This is how a human being can change. There is a worm addicted to eating grape leaves.

Suddenly, he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he is no longer a worm.

He is the entire vineyard, and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that does not need to devour.
Reposted by Chembu🌺


A black car with white whiskers and a white chin is sitting in a large shoebox.
Reposted by Chembu🌺

I mentioned on Threads that I like Bluesky and someone who had tried and abandoned it asked me why I liked it. This was my response.

A Threads reply from me. Text reads: “Moderation tools are good, I get almost no harassment/abuse there even if I dare talk about ‹gasp!> progressive politics. There are lots of really engaged people talking about science, lots of journalists, and lots of fun people just posting clever stuff. There's no default algorithm so l only see posts from people I follow (and their shares) — it's WAY less annoying than the stuff that gets algorithmically pushed to me here. It's a chronological timeline. And I get good engagement/discussion.”

I have been meaning to write about my crafting life. You have inspired me to get it started. Also, looking forward to your view about the short row colourwork book.

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AuDHD, CPTSD (she/they) ~Bangalore,India ~ Maker of beautiful things(Knitting & Crocheting) Bedbound by ME/CFS now I write here Buy my art support me
368 followers160 following2.7k posts