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Well-tarred Flask
UMN ChemProf Emeritus. Army vet. MOOC vet. Cancer vet. Dad of 3(human)/2(feline). Chicagoan. Armed with a keyboard and eerily immune to shame! NOT speaking for UL Research Institutes here.
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you might want to look very carefully at the invitation, as you are correct that it's rather sketchy to invite someone on two days notice. is it a reputable conference? did they add you at the last minute because they felt they needed to check some box they'd failed at originally? be judicious.


I appreciate your warnings, Prof. Cramer! It is a reputable conference, and one that I was planning to attend anyways. I don't know why they're adding me last-minute (I suspect some lack of planning or forethought), but the symposium is related to my work, so I'm inclined to accept, annoyance aside.

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Well-tarred Flask
UMN ChemProf Emeritus. Army vet. MOOC vet. Cancer vet. Dad of 3(human)/2(feline). Chicagoan. Armed with a keyboard and eerily immune to shame! NOT speaking for UL Research Institutes here.
429 followers300 following923 posts