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Well-tarred Flask
UMN ChemProf Emeritus. Army vet. MOOC vet. Cancer vet. Dad of 3(human)/2(feline). Chicagoan. Armed with a keyboard and eerily immune to shame! NOT speaking for UL Research Institutes here.
429 followers299 following921 posts

Reflecting on 30+ yrs in academia, when I started, simply no such thing as a predatory conference—nor predatory journals (only "bottom-feeding" journals 😂). By end of my career, I had to regularly counsel my grad students & postdocs about them, lest they be easily taken in. #AcademicSky#ChemSky

a woman standing in a body of water with a ghost in the background
a woman standing in a body of water with a ghost in the background

ALT: a woman standing in a body of water with a ghost in the background


Wow 🤯 but you still got missives from cranks, perhaps?

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Well-tarred Flask
UMN ChemProf Emeritus. Army vet. MOOC vet. Cancer vet. Dad of 3(human)/2(feline). Chicagoan. Armed with a keyboard and eerily immune to shame! NOT speaking for UL Research Institutes here.
429 followers299 following921 posts