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Cheryl Rofer
Retired nuclear scientist. Worked in Estonia, Kazakhstan, and Los Alamos. Posting on nuclear issues, war, nature, science, and women's issues. Also cats. She/her. Blogs at Nuclear Diner and Lawyers, Guns & Money Banner photo is Luca Kitten in the sink.
6.3k followers773 following9.7k posts

Think of the worst boss you ever had raking you over in the worst fraternity hazing ever. That's the relationship of an extremist rightwing toady and the late-night pitchman. What a team!


It’s surprising that he thinks Trump considers anyone an apprentice when based on current and past behavior he thinks of no one except himself. In other words, the whole premise is wrong. So the journalist is extrapolating again on tea leaves while Trump is drinking soda.

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Cheryl Rofer
Retired nuclear scientist. Worked in Estonia, Kazakhstan, and Los Alamos. Posting on nuclear issues, war, nature, science, and women's issues. Also cats. She/her. Blogs at Nuclear Diner and Lawyers, Guns & Money Banner photo is Luca Kitten in the sink.
6.3k followers773 following9.7k posts