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Chris H
music dork, movie nerd, tv junkie, gaming goofus...opinions mine, unfortunately. I spend lots of time surveying public opinion on all kinds of stuff.
318 followers386 following1.4k posts

I think I'd read a while back that he was ill. Girl I dated freshman year of college was a YUGE fan of Days, which mean for about 15 months that I watched a lot of it...


I watched that show religiously from about the time he started through mid-college. That was his heyday - at least for me -- because of so many wild storylines.I watched that show religiously from about the time he started through mid-college. That was his heyday - at least for me -- because of so many wild storylines.

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Chris H
music dork, movie nerd, tv junkie, gaming goofus...opinions mine, unfortunately. I spend lots of time surveying public opinion on all kinds of stuff.
318 followers386 following1.4k posts