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chuck 🐦💐
i like pigeons 🐦 book: BIRD BRAIN
1.6k followers199 following308 posts


PANEL 1: a pigeon on the left walks over to one on the right, wing extended holding a white piece of paper and saying "hey! it's nice to meet you!" the other pigeon is looking at the paper and says "hi! you too! what's this?"
PANEL 2: a close-up of the paper in the right pigeon's hand. it says "sorry in advance for any social gaffes. i am awkward and have social anxiety."
PANEL 3: the right pigeon says "...this is kinda weird."
PANEL 4: the left pigeon closes their eyes and points, "please reread the card for my comment." the right pigeon does not look amused

set boundaries...OR ELSE

PANEL 1: a fairly close-up shot of two pigeons. the one on the left is holding a pile of papers, and sheepishly says "i'm sorry, i can't spare a hand at the minute. i'm so busy!" to which the right one happily responds "that's ok. thanks anyway"
PANEL 2: slight zoom out. the right pigeon is walking off frame. the left pigeon sighs in relief - the edge of something is pointing at them from beyond the left of the panel
PANEL 3: pan out to show a small angel pigeon pointing a gun at the pigeon. the pigeon asks "happy?" and the angel replies "yes."
PANEL 4: a small devil pigeon appears to the left of the angel pigeon, who says "your methods are extreme, but they get results!" the devil pigeon gives a thumbs up

ac-xiet-ne (i tried)

PANEL 1: a pigeon grips a bathroom sink as it stares, horrified, in a mirror. there is a small pimple on the pigeon's head, and the pigeon exclaims "oh no! a zit!"
PANEL 2: the pigeon stands panicked, tears in their eyes, as they cry to another pigeon in a beanbag playing the switch "everyone's gonna stare and laugh at me and think i'm hideous!!!" pigeon 2 says "no they won't. there's nothing wrong with acne anyway"
PANEL 3: pimple pigeon is now out of frame; the second pigeon scowls, yelling "you better not be picking it! i didn't even notice it until you told me!"
PANEL 4: pimple pigeon returns, looking more concerned, as their brain and skull is now exposed instead of a pimple. they ask "you really think no one will notice?" the second pigeon grips the beanbag and drops their switch, shocked, uttering "oh geez"

what is tact

PANEL 1: two pigeons stand chatting. the one on the left cheerfully asks "wanna come to a 12 hour rave tomorrow?" the other one looks nervous, thinking "absolutely not" but they reply "uh...ok"
PANEL 2: a small angel pigeon appears and says "it's ok to say no. be more confident expressing yourself!" the nervous pigeon agrees "right!"
PANEL 3: a pigeon in a tie appears and asks the nervous pigeon "do you want to do some overtime this weekend?" the other pigeon puffs out their chest and says "i would genuinely rather die."
PANEL 4: the boss pigeon scowls as the other pigeon anxiously says "oops." the angel pigeon floats above, exasperated, muttering "not like that..."

dw i'm on top of things...oh

PANEL 1: a pigeon holds a small, dark blue blob, and says "it's just a small worry, i'll deal with it later."
PANEL 2: the pigeon carries an armful of blobs, staggering slightly. they say "they're only small. i'll deal with them later."
PANEL 3: the pigeon carries a pile of blobs on their back. they bend down to take another, saying "i can more..."
PANEL 4: the pigeon is now crushed by the blobs. their neck sticks out and they look pained as they say "ok i should've seen this coming"


PANEL 1: a pigeon poses triumphantly and exclaims "i'm gonna stop worrying about the small things?"
PANEL 2: the pigeon pauses, and says "but...what if something i think is small turns out to be really important?"
PANEL 3: a close-up of the pigeon, distressed, holding their head and blurting out a huge wall of text worrying about something snowballing and becoming out of control because they didn't put enough thought into it
PANEL 4: the pigeon floats against a red swirling background, resignedly saying "oh, i'm doing it again."

good by my standards

PANEL 1: two pigeons, sound asleep in bed at night, spooning
PANEL 2: the pigeon on the left suddenly awakens, shocked, thinking "i could die at literally any moment"
PANEL 3: the pigeon on the left lies awake, a horrified stare on their face. the lighting has changed from night to sunrise
PANEL 4: it's now morning. the pigeon on the right is up, sitting on the side of the bed, and asks "how did you sleep?" the pigeon on the left, looking chipper, says "pretty good, actually. i got a solid few hours before the horrors kicked in."

how did i get here

PANEL 1: two pigeons walk along with coffee. the one on the left, looking chipper, says "i've been thinking about it, and i've realised my mental health has improved so much over the past few years!"
PANEL 2: the pigeon on the right says "that's awesome! what kind of stuff did you do to get here? any lessons to share?" the left one says "well..."
PANEL 3: black text with no panel colour/outline saying "(footage not found due to depression brain fog/trauma/general poor memory"
PANEL 4: the pigeon on the left stands still, looking flummoxed, saying "uhhh"


PANEL 1: a pigeon is falling against a purple spiralled background. their eyes are spirally. the caption says "i often get lost in a spiral of negative thinking."
PANEL 2: a rope suddenly appears tied around the pigeon's waist, leading up screen. the pigeon gives a thumbs up. the caption says "over the years, though, i've gotten better at finding my way out."
PANEL 3: the pigeon flies, but looks exhausted and sweaty. the caption says "it sometimes takes a while, and can be quite exhausting..."
PANEL 4: the pigeon peeks out from a blue hole in the ground. they look tired but chipper, giving another little thumbs up. the caption says "...but i still make it out. that's what matters."

a weight's been lifted

PANEL 1: the caption says "leaving an event early due to my mental health (5 years ago)" a scared looking pigeon says to two other birds "sorry, guys, i need to go. bye. sorry" and they reply "bye" and "seeya!" they all have tufty hair styles, to show it's in the past
PANEL 2: the sad pigeon is in bed, crying and snotty, with used tissues around them. they wail "why am i like this i'm so pathetic i bet they hate me because i'm such a loser i don't deserve friends and"
PANEL 3: the caption says "leaving an event early due to my mental health (now)" the pigeon says "right, i'm off. bye!" looking happy. the other two pigeons bid them goodbye
PANEL 4: the pigeon sits in bed, content, wearing a green facemask and holding a mug. a nintendo switch rests on them. they say "ah, that's better" with a heart-shaped bubble
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chuck 🐦💐
i like pigeons 🐦 book: BIRD BRAIN
1.6k followers199 following308 posts