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Reports From Unknown Places
Reports From Unknown Places About Indescribable Events Digital art & texts by Ninn Salaün @clever_reports is on Twitter, Instagram, and Archives:
707 followers1 following369 posts

We report as we are standing here in a field: we are trying to discern the movement of our planet by looking at the stars. Our hands are icy in our pockets, and the spinning remains imperceptible. After long enough, we feel a rumble under our feet. A train sounds in the distance.

Digital painting of a dark blue night sky, surrounded by the black shadows of trees in three corners of the frame. The sky is filled with stars.

We report: when the tide goes in, it brings slate grey clouds and the brackish wind from the open sea. The sand is still wet from the last tide, and there is spume fluttering in the breeze. A few brazen birds are gliding in place, surveying the cloudy waters beneath them.

Digital painting of a cloudy sky, horizontally split in two. At the top, a lighter grey, some relief and some smoother parts as well. Underneath a clear cut, the clouds a dark blue-grey.

We report on a slow morning: we find it hard to focus on the work that we have to do, when so much is happening on the other side of the window. The wall in front of our desk gets dappled with sunshine, and our eyes are again and again drawn to the fast-moving clouds.

Digital painting of a deep blue sky filled with fuzzy, white and grey clouds, a confusing display of conflicting weather.

We report: the past few weeks have stolen an hour of sunlight from us, but we relish the smell of cold in the air. Looking at the thermometer, it is not all that chilly, yet it is both humid and windy, and we have not yet switched coats for the season. October already draws near.

Digital painting of a sunset sky, pastel blues and pinks with tall purple and dark blue clouds in the foreground. One of them catches a bit of sunlight from the side.

We report late at night, the misty moon barely risen: we think it might start to rain. We have felt a few drops on the back of our neck, but it is, for good reason, a little bit difficult to make out potential rain clouds. This is a chilly night, but we hear a few crickets still.

Digital painting of a black night sky above a field of grass lit by something off-frame. There is a waning crescent moon surrounded by wispy clouds, and a few stars dot the sky.

We report: the clouds are looking darker for the sunshine coming from behind them. There is some rain skimming the horizon, and we keep expecting it to come closer, but it only moves laterally. This day has been spent in half-happenings, always a little to the side of things.

Digital painting of a cloudy sky all in lights and shadows; a large, dark grey cloud takes up the foreground of the left-hand side of the frame. Behind it, light comes through among grey wisps.

We report after the rain: in the space left by all the rain clouds, cirrus have spread out, forming with little care for boundaries, overlapping with one another. To our eyes that have not seen direct sunlight in a few days, the sky is overwhelmingly bright. Everything shines.

Digital painting of a bright blue sky filled with wispy, intricate cirrus, and a vanishing contrail.

We report: the sunset was mostly over by the time we went out, and it was already dark enough that we were looking for our feet on the ground. More bats than birds, their lopsided flight swooping low in odd curves. The lights turn on, street by street, and the clouds turn grey.

Digital painting of a sunset scene, dark roofs, streetlamps are on, phone lines crossing the frame. The sky is a gradient of a pale blue to orange, with fluffy grey clouds all over. Above them, long, thin, bright orange clouds.

We report: this morning, the mountains are drowned in clouds. We could perhaps live here, where the air is thin and crisp, when the sun is busy taking precious, careful steps to rise. For a moment, we do not think about what will happen when we move on from this specific minute.

Digital painting of a dusk scene, just before sunrise: the sky is a gradient of dark blue to a pale peach colour, a few tiny clouds floating above the horizon. The mountains are a dark blue-black, surrounded by a sea of clouds.

We report a few hours after we hung the washing out to dry: this is rain, it absolutely is rain. Our expert confidently told us it would not rain this morning, and we listened to them. We keep feeling phantom raindrops. We have half a mind to take the laundry in.

Digital painting of an overcast sky, layers of clouds in different shades of grey contrasting with one another.
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Reports From Unknown Places
Reports From Unknown Places About Indescribable Events Digital art & texts by Ninn Salaün @clever_reports is on Twitter, Instagram, and Archives:
707 followers1 following369 posts