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Climate News
News about the status of our changing climate and environment and the actions being taken to mitigate the risks of climate change. Main areas of focus are on climate data, ecological research and renewable energy.
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China’s renewable energy investments is more than the rest of the world combined. China is only 1.4 billion people. The rest of the world is 6.7 billion people, and yet China invests more in renewable energy than the entire rest of the world.


And there is the fact that the global west has in essence off shored a large chunk of their emissions to China, and that is not always taken into account in the statistics.

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Climate News
News about the status of our changing climate and environment and the actions being taken to mitigate the risks of climate change. Main areas of focus are on climate data, ecological research and renewable energy.
6.8k followers2.6k following2.7k posts