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CrossRoad Art-Bear Pettigrew
A slumbering cryptid, a pale creature in the dark, an artist of characters u shouldn’t like but worryingly do. They/Them No AI/ No NF🫖’s 🍁 (if u want to feed the lurking shadow) 🍂
1.7k followers1k following2.7k posts

Heya, I’m Bear, an incredibly tired crytpid (fuck me, I want a nap), a fantasy illustrator and creator of ‘The Henchmen’s Guide’. And here is my art feed for anyone that wants to look at more of my art 👹😆

A young squire, with a focused expression and magic stone legs that glow blue through spiralling engravings, is crossing a fast running stream in a brown grassy plain surrounded by mountains. His pants are rolled up past his knees and he is holding his shoes. He is followed by a centaur companion that is looking away from the viewer towards a far off flock of birds in the distant landscape, which is blanketed by an overcast sky and a thin rain.
Though a rain splattered windscreen a terrible woman is stands in a dark, vast, near empty parking lot. From the waist up she is in shadow and below that she is illuminated in the headlights. She has pallid skin, an untamed mane of black hair whipping in the wind and wears a black knee length coat, a pair of dark shades and black knee high boots. Her stance is causal and patient, breathing a cloud of vapour while one hand sits in her pocket.
A pair of windscreen wipers pulse across the visage of her. 
She is looking directly into the car at the young man in the back seat who is reflected in the review mirror.
He is wearing a pink hoodie and see’s his miserable fate in her. The top half of his face is in shadow, while the bottom half of his face is lit with the warmth of street lights that cast the shadows of rain drops onto his cheek and nose.
He is defiant, but he is also scared.
The sun breaks through a forest of silver birch trees in their autumn foliage and over a misty blue stream being crossed by two centaurs. They’re breathing a warmly lit fog into the cool air and the ripples left by their hooves are the only disturbance on the water that floats a few gold and orange leaves on its surface. The first centaur is pale grey with long black hair, well below their hip and covering their eyes. They wear a garland of mushrooms of a species that can rightly be surmise by the easy manner of the centaur, with their arms folded behind their head in a lazy stretch as they stare into the canopy rather than where they are going. The following centaur looks used to this. He is bay brown, and contently following with his arms to his sides.
On a wet road in a dim foggy forest, a werewolf so dark it could be described as a silhouette with white eyes, looms over a young man laying on the tarmac in a frozen state of fight or flight.
The young man is in a dark pink hoodie which contrasts with the otherwise cool, dark pallet of the scene.

Art Share Summoning Tags👹 (Don’t feel obligated to join or respond, hope u’r having chill times)


I love your art so much TwT aaa


Wow, these are fantastic!

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CrossRoad Art-Bear Pettigrew
A slumbering cryptid, a pale creature in the dark, an artist of characters u shouldn’t like but worryingly do. They/Them No AI/ No NF🫖’s 🍁 (if u want to feed the lurking shadow) 🍂
1.7k followers1k following2.7k posts