Christopher Schmidt
Software engineer (currently at Google). Founding member, Alphabet Workers Union. Advocate for sustainable cities through urban development. E-bike evangelist. Currently in Somerville, MA; formerly in Cambridge, MA.
402 followers378 following332 posts

anyway, i now work on a team that has created APIs which are a major component in solar panel installation throughout the US and which has recently expanded from 4 engineers to 12, with a goal of providing the same services to the rest of the world. thx exec guilt, but fuck you, world governments


like, governments want so bad for tech to fix everything and at least some tech people are like "what the fuck are you thinking" but then have to go try anyway because what the fuck else can you do?


the story I've heard is that one of my employer's execs went to COP26, and was so distressed by the impression of world governments that they didn't need to do anything (in part because "tech will fix it") that they felt they personally needed to get our company to do everything possible to fix it


I don't think where it is matters all that much? But the picture was taken in Boston, MA, USA.


Bikes aren't just for fit techbros: Dylan recently borrowed the Bunch cargo trike from the E-Bike lending library to test its capabilities as a wheelchair van, loading up her power wheelchair through its front door and then able to transport herself to her destination via bike.

A person wearing a bicycle helmet and sitting on the seat of a cargo trike. The front-loading cargo trike is labeled "Bunch" on the side, and contains a folded up wheelchair.
A side view of the front bucket of a cargo trike, with a wheelchair folded up in the bucket.

That impacts only one of the three; the other two are almost always true regardless. (Insofar as "charging rich + poor people the same amount, even if it's $0, isn't more fiscally progressive".) But yeah, sufficiently small fare revenue sources are a toss up either way.


if the problem with transit fares is that they are regressive (as many usage taxes are), it is politically easier, financially cheaper, and more progressive to fix that via low income subsidies than it is by eliminating fares.


if you're gonna fake it, you gotta fake the .1% stamp to go with it


Glad to hear it met your accuracy needs!

Reposted by Christopher Schmidt

why is every nonbinary person in Somerville between 25 and 45 at the hackers screening. wait, no, don't answer that

Christopher Schmidt
Software engineer (currently at Google). Founding member, Alphabet Workers Union. Advocate for sustainable cities through urban development. E-bike evangelist. Currently in Somerville, MA; formerly in Cambridge, MA.
402 followers378 following332 posts