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Willie Jack's Favorite Uncle
Your ancestors are proud of you Writer of Stories Just a rez kid learn'n how social media works @dandantransient from Twitter @drunkengarbage everywhere else Iñupiaq with German descent he to the him, white coded #Inuit #Indigenous
818 followers170 following5.4k posts

Humans will build vaults to protect these ugly paintings while ignoring the other humans they are killing to get places faster.


Me every time Trump or Biden speak: Lord baby Jesus take time from nursing off your mother, the one true god Mary, and save us from old people being in power, save my ears oh sweet genocide baby of the death missionaries, save my ears from these old fools who missed their chance at being elders


I absolutely unironically love this picture


I'm curious if the mixing of other conversionary religions and expansionist states included a similar result. I know that Buddhist monks traveled with at least one Mongolian expansion, but i don't recall a forced conversion policy of the same magnitude.


Definitely a starting point to build on


Ya the belief that later evolved into manifest destiny and divine will for the cause really upped the ability to justify pretty much anything.


Ya I think it's a complex enough issue that even in agreement there has to be room for discussion and dissection of what we think.


Lol very fashionable missionaries lol


Idk where "coordination" came in lol

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Willie Jack's Favorite Uncle
Your ancestors are proud of you Writer of Stories Just a rez kid learn'n how social media works @dandantransient from Twitter @drunkengarbage everywhere else Iñupiaq with German descent he to the him, white coded #Inuit #Indigenous
818 followers170 following5.4k posts