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Willie Jack's Favorite Uncle
Your ancestors are proud of you Writer of Stories Just a rez kid learn'n how social media works @dandantransient from Twitter @drunkengarbage everywhere else Iñupiaq with German descent he to the him, white coded #Inuit #Indigenous
818 followers170 following5.4k posts

Me every time Trump or Biden speak: Lord baby Jesus take time from nursing off your mother, the one true god Mary, and save us from old people being in power, save my ears oh sweet genocide baby of the death missionaries, save my ears from these old fools who missed their chance at being elders


It's important to note that colonialism is older than and informed the creation of both capitalism and communism becoming foundational to both their existences.


I just saw, "a sweat ceremony can allow you to see the spirit world, but sadly it can also send you to the spirit world," and honestly pick which racist othering trope you are going to spread, you can't stand in both canoes.


So i mostly vote Democrat or independent, most of my online reading and stuff is liberal, I've done election volunteerism as either neutral or for the DNC, and yet i look at my spam text messages and i gotta say the gop is sending me like 10 texts for every dnc text.


I'm sorry but if you dated a teenager when you weren't a teenager your opinion doesn't matter to me.


I thought Heathcliff was darkish in skin tone and Catherine was dark haired?


So I'm confused Ron Wesley can't afford an attorney but somehow is gonna get you $150,000 for murdering someone?


Anytime someone uses "secret history" or "secret wisdom" or "lost knowledge" when talking about Natives is a major red flag.

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Willie Jack's Favorite Uncle
Your ancestors are proud of you Writer of Stories Just a rez kid learn'n how social media works @dandantransient from Twitter @drunkengarbage everywhere else Iñupiaq with German descent he to the him, white coded #Inuit #Indigenous
818 followers170 following5.4k posts