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Dani Duck (She/They)
Writer/Illustrator. Loves GNs, humor & cats. She/they. Nonbinary, Bi & Fibro. šŸŒˆ#12x12PB Co host of #KidLitArt Thursday nights at 6pm PT on Twitter.
495 followers1k following440 posts

If you get a text message from an unknown phone number or email address donā€™t click the links. There is nothing in this link that makes me think itā€™s from the actual USPS. If you are worried about an account go directly to the website. Same for emails. Too many people are getting scammed!

Text message from

U.S. Customs: You have a USPS parcel being cleared, due to the detection of an invalid zip code address, the parcel can not be cleared, the parcel is temporarily detained, please confirm the zip code address information in the link within 24 hours.

(Please reply with a Y, then exit the text message and open it again to activate the link, or copy the link into your Safari browser and open it) Have a great day from the USPS team!

This sender is not on your contact list
Report junk

I was trying to figure out if I had an ear infection. If I have a middle ear infection apparently the symptom of which is an ear infection. This is why being a doctor is hard.

Related Health Conditions

Middle ear infection:

An infection of the air-filled space behind the eardrum (the middle ear).

Symptoms may include:

Ear infection (in Bold lettering). 


Stuffy nose.

I do it for strength and reducing pain. I guess I wouldnā€™t not call myself a fitness person because I think itā€™s fun. I am not a weight loss person. I donā€™t want to talk about weight loss either. Itā€™s like so not the point of my existence and my exercising.


Thatā€™s awesome. The good thing about muscles is that they grow back faster. Not awesome you were sick though. Glad you are better now.


I get tired enough seeing job posts that are more than a couple weeks old. Itā€™s like just show jobs that people have a chance of getting. That ad is another thing I hate. Maybe they reposted and forgot to change the date? Maybe someone forgot to post and put it up. Either way itā€™s wasting my time.


I will miss seeing your posts. Take care of yourself. šŸ’œ


I was very upset in my dream and was going to write poetry. Now that Iā€™m awake I canā€™t remember my dream. Iā€™m also only vaguely upset and writing nothing. I feel like I canā€™t win as a writer and canā€™t win even in my dreams. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


In those writerā€™s minds mentioned itā€™s a duel to the death. Even if itā€™s supposed to be an exhibition. Which makes it all the more hilarious to me.


Okay, but now the scenario of a writer and editor fighting to the death at sunset with giant pens (one black & one red) forever lives rent free in my head.

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Dani Duck (She/They)
Writer/Illustrator. Loves GNs, humor & cats. She/they. Nonbinary, Bi & Fibro. šŸŒˆ#12x12PB Co host of #KidLitArt Thursday nights at 6pm PT on Twitter.
495 followers1k following440 posts