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Darthhellokitty all over the place
In general, she is a well-developed, well-nourished woman in no distress. She is a good historian and has an appropriate affect.
135 followers77 following3.7k posts

We binge-watched all three seasons of A Very English Scandal in the last week (some seasons are called different things in different areas, or are not considered part of the same thing) - the general theme is absolute assholes getting their comeuppance and then some, and it’s very satisfying.

Reposted by Darthhellokitty all over the place

Capricorn: Love is coming to town, Capricorn. Go ahead and get your hopes up. Pretty sure this time.


True! And I haven’t thought of them in ages. I wonder when they stopped making them, or if they’re just no longer in public-ish places.


My Mom now uses this Brother model (tape is not even embossed!) I’m afraid I might be going down a rabbit hole to see if the aluminum label tape is still out there.

Brother P-Touch PT-D210 Label Maker
Choose from a variety of colorful and durable TZe label tapes.
TZe tape (picture of colorful label tape)
Picture of hands using label maker

Variety of Label Tapes Available

Prints Labels up to 1/2 inch

Make an Impact with 14 Fonts

Be Inspired by 25 Templates

Add Flare with 99 Frames

Get Creative Using 650 Symbols

I don’t know when it was made, most likely the early 60s. I must have inherited my love of odd tools from my dad. Holy cow, I’m looking online and it can be used with ALUMINUM TAPE. Incidentally, here are later models you may have yourself!


• Script letter wheel
• horizontal letter wheel 
• iron-on tape
DYMO Organizer Xpress Pro Label Maker Starter Kit
A selection of current models

This is my favorite

Reposted by Darthhellokitty all over the place

My latest New Scientist cartoon. Based on a true story. Well, the first panel is true, anyway.

Panel one. 
Caption: On the 28th of June 2009, Professor Stephen Hawking hosted a party for time-travellers, but he did not send out invites until the day after the party… no-one came. 
(This is entirely true)

Panels 2-9.
Images of various aliens, robots and other beings, all holding invites. Below each is an excuse for not attending the party: Babysitter cancelled, Had to work late, Timeship being fixed, Didn’t feel great, Had to be up early, Wormhole closed, Diary mix-up, Dog ate invite.

A find from our garage: an aluminum Dymo-Mite Tapemaker. It’s quite heavy and even has a small piece of tape in it. Edit: IT WORKS.

Dymo-Myte Tapewriter
Dymo-Myte Tapewriter
Dymo-Myte Tapewriter
Dymo-Myte Tapewriter with label I just made!
1 (which eventually sent me down a rabbit hole that culminated in my meeting my ex on alt.angst) then whatever came before Yahoo Groups, then Google Groups, and eventually around to livejournal, AO3, Twitter and here.


The premise was that Mulder somehow got perfume that made everyone sexually attracted to him

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Darthhellokitty all over the place
In general, she is a well-developed, well-nourished woman in no distress. She is a good historian and has an appropriate affect.
135 followers77 following3.7k posts