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Daryll Marie🐋
Bioacoustician studying baleen whales 🐋🔊 Hobby wildlife photographer & wrangler of critter feeds 🪶 Science, photography, nerding out outside 🦇 Nature feeds list, IG, Ko-fi ⬇️
45.5k followers1.3k following16.4k posts

🧪🧵Throwing it back to more science from my past with a quick thread on some of the questions being examined in a cool field... phocid bioacoustics aka the science of seal sounds! 🦭🔊 What are some of the questions researchers are asking about how seals communicate vocally? ⤵️ 1/6

A girl dressed in coveralls, gloves, hairnet, and mask in a clinical setting holds a small, gray seal pup.
A brownish colored seal pup laying on its belly stares at the camera. It has long whiskers, large wide eyes, and is visibly dripping water.

Also sorry these all posted individually instead of in a neat collapsed lil thread, dear god 😭


🧪Bonus skeet: through my time in the field of phocid bioacoustics I discovered my dog Zoe loves listening to seal recordings 😂

A laptop computer screen displays acoustic data from recorded seal vocalizations. Beside it, a red pitbull dog lays staring at the laptop, visibly intrigued.

🧪Tl;dr we still have so many questions about how other species produce and perceive sound, why they vocalize, and what determines their vocal repertoires! Here’s a paper on acoustic allometry that came out of this work if you want to start diving into findings! 6/6

Vocal tract allometry in a mammalian vocal learner
Vocal tract allometry in a mammalian vocal learner

Summary: Harbour seals are vocal learners that can escape acoustic allometry despite complying with anatomical allometric constraints. Advanced neural control over their vocal organs may allow them to...


🧪And, of course, the age old question of vocal learning- can individuals learn to make novel sounds? Can they imitate other individuals or species? With a comparative approach, studying vocal rhythms, learning, and anatomy in other species can also teach us about the evolution of human speech! 5/6

A pair of seals lay side by side on the edge of a pool staring into the camera.

🧪Acoustic allometry- how does body size constrain dimensions of vocal anatomy and, as a result, sound production? Interactive vocal rhythms- do individuals adjust temporal patterns of calls when interacting with others (ex. synchronize to sound louder as a group as an anti-predatory tactic)? 4/6

A brownish seal pup lays on its belly. The pup is drooling slightly.

🧪The science team used a variety of methods from audio playback experiments to xray imaging to necropsy (no animals were harmed for the purpose of research) to study seal vocal behavior and anatomy. A few cool areas of focus: acoustic allometry, interactive vocal rhythms, and vocal learning. 3/6

A scientific illustration depicting adiagram of the vocal anatomy of a seal.
The image shows a computer screen displaying acoustic data from recordings of seal vocalizations.

🧪Our research was done in conjunction with a seal rehab center. Seals were under vet care due to injury, illness, or being orphaned. Most were re-released after a few months of getting healthier/chunkier. Vet & science teams worked closely to ensure research never conflicted w/ care plans! 2/6

A very plump seal lays on the side of a pool.
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Daryll Marie🐋
Bioacoustician studying baleen whales 🐋🔊 Hobby wildlife photographer & wrangler of critter feeds 🪶 Science, photography, nerding out outside 🦇 Nature feeds list, IG, Ko-fi ⬇️
45.5k followers1.3k following16.4k posts