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Dennis Alexis Valin Dittrich
Interested in bounded rationality, trust, discrimination, fair compensation, quantitative methods, dataviz, rstats, open source 1stgen Professor of Economics (2005-2022) now Senior Economist at the Stepstone Group
148 followers547 following1.8k posts

📉📈 Break Up Big Econ: The economics profession has become insular & status-obsessed, & not focused enough on making a positive impact on the world "…the empirical turn in economics may have made our concentration … 1/3

Break Up Big Econ
Break Up Big Econ

The economics profession has become insular and status-obsessed, and not focused enough on making a positive impact on the world.


📉📈 The Arrival of Field Experiments in Economics "… experiments shouldn’t be designed with the “petri dish” mindset, but instead can be designed to think in advance about “what constraints will the … 1/2


via Joëlle Weis: 📉📈 Does anyone in my timeline know MA or PhD candidates researching the academic labour market (anytime between the 18th century and today) from a historical perspective? Retooting much appreciated! 😊 #EconSky


via Tom Gauld: My cartoon for this week’s Guardian Books. orig

Panel one:

Two small figures stand before a huge machine.

One says “Our startup has innovated the human writer out of the publishing process. This machine can write sixty-five books an hour.”

A conveyor belt at the front of the machine dispatches a continuous stream of books.

Panel two:

They walk across the workshop.
The second figure, who is reading one of the books, says “but will people actually want to read this stuff?”

Panel three:

They have reached a second huge machine. 

“The real beauty of our integrated system” says the first figure “is that it also frees companies from the tyranny of human readers”. 

A conveyor belt at the front of the machine dispatches a continuous stream of robot readers, happily consuming the content from the other machine.

via 404 Media: Wordfreq, an open source tool that analyzed trends in human language usage in 40 languages, shut down because "generative AI has polluted the data" and there is so much AI spam that it is now very difficult to analyze broad trends in how people write … 1/2

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Dennis Alexis Valin Dittrich
Interested in bounded rationality, trust, discrimination, fair compensation, quantitative methods, dataviz, rstats, open source 1stgen Professor of Economics (2005-2022) now Senior Economist at the Stepstone Group
148 followers547 following1.8k posts