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Dennis Alexis Valin Dittrich
Interested in bounded rationality, trust, discrimination, fair compensation, quantitative methods, dataviz, rstats, open source 1stgen Professor of Economics (2005-2022) now Senior Economist at the Stepstone Group
148 followers547 following1.8k posts

set forth to measure their output and found no significant gains. Use of GitHub Copilot also introduced 41% more bugs, according to the study from Uplevel, a company providing insights from coding and collaboration data. Like I've been saying for a while, feeling productive is not the … 2/3


It is similar to mentorship. Not smart mentee can't do better than mentor And ai as smart as the one who use it. I had good results with ai only when I could do the task without ai and know exactly what I needed


I find this so odd. Right now LLMs are having a transformative impact for me. I think the difference is that I'm mainly prototyping things from scratch with chat LLMs. Whereas up to now, systems to integrate LLMs with a codebase in a copilot haven't ironed out all the issues yet

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Dennis Alexis Valin Dittrich
Interested in bounded rationality, trust, discrimination, fair compensation, quantitative methods, dataviz, rstats, open source 1stgen Professor of Economics (2005-2022) now Senior Economist at the Stepstone Group
148 followers547 following1.8k posts