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Dave Levitan
Deputy editor, Splinter, covering climate and more. Previous: The Messenger/Grid, bylines all over before that. Author: NOT A SCIENTIST: How politicians mistake, misrepresent, and utterly mangle science (2017, WW Norton). Davelevitan{at}
6.9k followers645 following5.3k posts

I wonder how long places like Buffalo will keep up this sort of ad campaign when nice temperate spots 400 miles inland and 3000 feet in the sky can get hit by a climate catastrophe just as bad as a barrier islandI wonder how long places like Buffalo will keep up this sort of ad campaign when nice temperate spots 400 miles inland and 3000 feet in the sky can get hit by a climate catastrophe just as bad as a barrier island

Photo of Buffalo behind text reading: 

Buffalo Niagara as a Climate Change Refuge

How Buffalo's Weather is Going From Punchline to Lifeline

Can you just be chill for like a minute

National Hurricane Center map of the Atlantic showing five “disturbances” spread across the basin including Isaac, Joyce, and three unnamed systems

Proportionally speaking South Carolina seems slowest to get the power back on, still around a third of all customers in the state without electricityProportionally speaking South Carolina seems slowest to get the power back on, still around a third of all customers in the state without electricity

Power outages map of the eastern US showing several states still in red (100k+ out) and others in yellow and orange, with 944,305 of 2,830,955 SC customers out

Honestly why do we have media outlets moderate debates if they're just providing the stage and cameras and such but no moderation beyond "Thank you Mr. Vance, may have another"?Honestly why do we have media outlets moderate debates if they're just providing the stage and cameras and such but no moderation beyond "Thank you Mr. Vance, may have another"?


The Usual Suspects twist in my friend’s basement, Blair Witch opening weekend, forgetting I had a mini Hershey bar watching ET during my sister’s birthday party and ending up with a melted chocolate hand, the collective butt clench at a Philly Ritz during the Free Solo climb, I dunno movies are good


Here use this if you do, idk


What if we flipped the name retirement thing, when a storm is THAT bad instead of putting that name to bed it gets switched from Maria or Ian to Hurricane ConocoPhillips


I know this place has kicked up a notch ‘cause I’ll see a post that’s like “I enjoyed Alien Romulus” and then that “view full thread” thing indicating a missing chunk of conversation and then someone else saying like “well fine but I’m not saying the end of Reconstruction wasn’t a turning point”

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Dave Levitan
Deputy editor, Splinter, covering climate and more. Previous: The Messenger/Grid, bylines all over before that. Author: NOT A SCIENTIST: How politicians mistake, misrepresent, and utterly mangle science (2017, WW Norton). Davelevitan{at}
6.9k followers645 following5.3k posts