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Mostly posting the breakdown of society, public health & the planet; some art, culture, nature, science. Since Sept 2023. Toronto/Tkaronto, Turtle Island Banner: B&W photo of Johnny Cash, PFP covering his middle finger PFP: DCAP in style of LOVE pop art
910 followers775 following6.4k posts
Reposted by DCapTO

Believe it or not posting a slideshow in your instagram stories is not sufficient to replace months or YEARS of planning for a general strike this is 'post a black square' levels of 'organizing.'Believe it or not posting a slideshow in your instagram stories is not sufficient to replace months or YEARS of planning for a general strike this is 'post a black square' levels of 'organizing.'


If only, Bill! 🙏🌲 #PearlClutchingAtArtVandals#ClimateCrisis


Sadly, voting will not stop climate crisis, it actually continues it. No matter who you vote for, all politicians support and facilitate the extraction and continued use of fossil fuels. We need collective action outside of voting.

Reposted by DCapTO

In case this isn't clear: not a dunk on Khatmandu or Asheville, or the people who live there. It is an attempt to get people to understand that flooding isn't just coming from rising seas it's coming from increased rainfall too and that's not just a coastal issue.


No place on earth is safe from climate crisis. The global north is just mostly insulated from most of its effects… for now. Sadly, people from Florida and North Carolina are not insulated from that reality right now 😢🙏


Also what’s not registering with people is climate crisis has no borders. Eventually, the crisis will hit your home too. Pssst, just like pandemics.

Reposted by DCapTO

This is the brand I’m trying out I found at Canadian Tire, PiACTIVE that claims to protect for 12 hours, tho some info sources say you may need to reapply before 12 hrs, but it’s more gentle on skin than DEET and NON-OILY!!! Will report back after I use. Excited to go on ravine walks & rides again!

Aerosol can of PiACTIVE brand “DEET FREE as always!” insect repellent. Strong protection, 12 hours, gentle on skin. For ticks, mosquitoes and black flies. Also comes in spray.
Reposted by DCapTO

Found alternative to DEET! Picaridin AKA icaridin just as effective as DEET in repelling mosquitoes & ticks. Unlike DEET, picaridin is odorless, non-greasy & doesn’t dissolve plastics like sunglasses & fishing line or synthetics like rayon & lycra/spandex clothing. 20% picaridin is best! #WNV#EEEV

Reposted by DCapTO

I don’t disagree we need organizing and collective action towards stopping further climate crisis. But this act of vandalism by frustrated youth who’s futures we’re stealing IS connected and is drawing attention & convo. At least they’re doing something unlike the rest of us. Again I will point out👇


“What is worth more, art or life?” “The two Sunflowers have now been returned to display and the exhibition was reopened to the public at just after 5:45pm.” What won’t be restored and reopened to the public by 5:45pm is parts of Florida, North Carolina & all places affected by Hurricane Helene…

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Mostly posting the breakdown of society, public health & the planet; some art, culture, nature, science. Since Sept 2023. Toronto/Tkaronto, Turtle Island Banner: B&W photo of Johnny Cash, PFP covering his middle finger PFP: DCAP in style of LOVE pop art
910 followers775 following6.4k posts