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Deb Chachra
Engineering professor. Author of HOW INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS (on Riverhead in the US+, on Torva in the UK+). Interested in embodiment, materiality, metacognition, and systems. All enthusiasm is 100% genuine.
1.7k followers142 following321 posts

Thank you!

Reposted by Deb Chachra

I highly recommend ‘s book How Infrastructure Works for thinking about the world we need to build for the future we’re going to have

Reposted by Deb Chachra

Every so often I go read the Amazon reviews for replacement SawStop cartridges and see how many fingers have been saved lately Even the folks reporting false positives on wet wood, nails, etc almost always give five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A five star review from Calvin:

“I love my fingers”
Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2014

One day I did something stupid and jammed my thumb into the spinning blade of my table saw I expected 3/4 inch of the end of my thumb to be gone, blood all over the place, and a $10,000 trip to the hospital.

Fortunately that spinning blade was on a SawStop saw and I received only a tiny nick. Just down to the pink, no bleeding. I put a band aid on it and sat in the corner until my heart rate slowed to normal.
The brake cartridge and blade were toast but less than $200 to replace.
If l'd cut off my finger it would have been my fault, no question. But since we all eventually do something careless this system is worth every penny. Besides, it is a great saw.
Five star review from MIKE D.

“Keep tour fingers”

Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2021

Saved my finger will never go back to normal
Table saw
Five star review from Bruce D. Wedlock

“Saved a finger”
Reviewed in the United States on June 10, 2023

Style: Brake Cartridge
Cartridge instantly stopped blade when I accidentally touched it. Saved a serious cut.
Five star review from Mannix:

“recurring order on my saw stop”
Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2024
Style: Brake Cartridge
we have had 3 finger saves and this brake cartridge is worth the money

Every day, I’m like: is this burnout or information overload or looming dread or late-stage capitalism or aging or post-covid or from dealing with the endless new tasks shunted to us (everything from self-checkouts to post-purchase surveys) or burnout or information overload or looming dread or…

Reposted by Deb Chachra

This is the part of if that people miss. Like… If Waffle House changed their company policies to allow managers to close up and people to go home the very second the weather services recognized a real danger to human life, the Waffle House Index would no longer hold as a metric.

Reposted by Deb Chachra

Not all the way, no. MAybe some precautions, but they basically use "lights are on and you can see us cooking: as a signal of where things stand:

How to Measure a Storm's Fury One Breakfast at a Time - Waffle House
How to Measure a Storm's Fury One Breakfast at a Time - Waffle House

Waffle House - How to Measure a Storm's Fury One Breakfast at a Time

Reposted by Deb Chachra

Reminder that the Waffle House index isn't a joke, it's a very real correlative metric and if you see a waffle house not just closed but BOARDED UP, then shit in that area is likely to be very very bad, and you should take it seriously.

Reposted by Deb Chachra

Because of better weather protection and building codes. The deadliest hurricane in US history, the Galveston, TX hurricane was so deadly in part because they had no warning (why that is, is racism but that's for another time).

Reposted by Deb Chachra

One of the hardest things to convey to people is avoided disaster. I've heard people say hurricanes are nbd anymore because even though more people are living on the coast and deaths haven't skyrocketed. Why is that?

Reposted by Deb Chachra

"Singular value decomposition" (SVD) is the most useful linear algebra technique I know. But it's often not taught in classes! Here's a visual demo for the 2D case, which gives you all the intuition you need for higher dimensions:

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Deb Chachra
Engineering professor. Author of HOW INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS (on Riverhead in the US+, on Torva in the UK+). Interested in embodiment, materiality, metacognition, and systems. All enthusiasm is 100% genuine.
1.7k followers142 following321 posts