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Early childhood and public systems researcher. Rich inner life. No inside voice.
323 followers546 following1.6k posts
Reposted by Denali

Cool new CEA research highlighting the foundational role of child care for the US economy. It shows that investments in childcare are associated with increased overall economic activity.

Reposted by Denali

The introduction of Universal Pre-K in various states and cities was linked to an increase in business applications and the overall number of business establishments. (also effects on enrollment and maternal labor supply, as in other studies)

Reposted by Denali

Dear Pennsylvania’s mail-in voters, To make sure your vote gets counted and doesn’t end up in a legal fight, remember to: 1) seal your ballot in the YELLOW ENVELOPE 2) write the CURRENT DATE on the return envelope Sincerely, The reporter who wrote this👇

Legal questions about Pennsylvania mail-in ballots loom as voting starts
Legal questions about Pennsylvania mail-in ballots loom as voting starts

As voters in the key swing state of Pennsylvania start receiving mail ballots, multiple legal fights over how the ballots of mail-in voters should be counted are still playing out in the courts.


"There's good people and bad people here," said a woman who lives there. My response was "yeah. Same in the neighborhood. Same everywhere."


I was just down at the park. There's a large family party there. Middle schoolers playing basketball. Yes there's an encampment but the idea of the park being fully unusable keeps people from figuring out how to share space.

Reposted by Denali

Cities across the country are undermining the work of violence prevention organizations due to inconsistent funding and commitments, poor organization, and a fundamental misunderstanding of how these programs achieve results. New from Josiah Bates.

Cities Are Undermining Promising Violence Intervention Programs
Cities Are Undermining Promising Violence Intervention Programs

Exposing the harms of the criminal legal system and elevating solutions that keep all people safe.


Happy CPS day of non attendance. Did you know there's a kids book about disinformation that seems pretty cool? It's called Killer Underwear Invasion! How to spot fake news, disinformation & conspiracy theories. The author is Elise Gravel. Rec from my friend who is an artist/former art teacher.

Six year old reading killer underwear invasion! The cover has a bunch of graphic monsters running away from underwear with faces. Full title and author info in post.

People have to run even when it seems like a longshot...maybe especially when it feels like a longshot. Elections aren't everything but they're a time when people tune in and so it's a great amplifier for key issues and frame shifts.


In the last few weeks of the campaign one PAC, representing real estate and business interests donated more to Nugent's campaign than the entire budget of my campaign. It's extraordinarily hard to take a seat from a well funded do nothing & I'm here for anyone who wants to try. We need you.

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Early childhood and public systems researcher. Rich inner life. No inside voice.
323 followers546 following1.6k posts