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Carcinization Station
Science enjoyer. Oaf of Competence Paladin. Observer that the existence of Action Comics # 1 implies the existence of Equal and Opposite Reaction Comics # -1 He/Him
55 followers130 following1.4k posts

Holy shit we really need to get NYTpitchbot to make the jump to bsky I fucking can’t with this shit

Reposted by Carcinization Station

Heads up! A new comet is already bright enough to see naked eye and may be a show stopper in a couple of weeks! 🔭🧪

Will Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS Be the Brightest of the Year?
Will Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS Be the Brightest of the Year?

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) could soon shine very bright in Earth’s skies


New species of frog fren I think. Seems to be a barking tree frog. We’re at the edge of the range, but the skin texture and spots are right, and I’ve heard an appropriate chorus from a nearby storm water catchment pond so not unlikely.

A green-colored tree frog with brown spots and rough skin, with white dots on its back. It’s siting just inside my screened porch.
Reposted by Carcinization Station

This is why local outlets matter: Ocala Gazette sued to get jail footage showing a schizophrenic inmate was compliant when deputies rushed him, held him down, and tased him until he died Judge allowed paper to view but not publish video bc of "security concerns"

Jail footage shows inmate complied with orders before fatal use of force - Ocala Gazette
Jail footage shows inmate complied with orders before fatal use of force - Ocala Gazette

Footage obtained through the “Ocala Gazette’s” lawsuit against the Marion County Sheriff’s Office showed that inmate Scott Whitley exhibited no physical violence toward Marion County Jail detention de...

Reposted by Carcinization Station

DS9 scene. We're in Quark's bar I assume, and we're close in on Quark. He's a ferengi alien barkeep who wears fancy jackets with patterns and colours that look like hotel carpet. He has dark, sunken eyes and is bald with a big bulbous head. Also has giant ears. But the ears also form a line across his forehead and meet between the eyes so it's like a unibrow but with giant ears. He also has sharp teeth. Ok, enough about Quark. Here, he's speaking with some energy. Closed caption reads, "The speed of technological advancement isn't nearly as important as short term quarterly gains."
Reposted by Carcinization Station

remember who he pardoned and who he let die
Reposted by Carcinization Station

This is Alice Krige erasure and I will not stand for it. Still a funny meme. I designate it a seven out of nine

A cartoon. A green hill with a medieval castle is in the background.

Two adult humans stand to the left, facing three on the right.

The ones on the left are in chainmail and tunics, the one to the rear is carrying a large primitive wood-frame backpack. He is bemused. The one in front has a beard and wears a golden crown-like headpiece. He is grumpy.

Those on the right are humanoids with significant cybernetic alterations, mostly in black, with some appendages ending in tools such as grasping devices, rotary saws, a claw hammer, and a spatula or flyswatter. They have neutral expressions. The one in front is speaking to the human in the headpiece.

The caption reads, "We don't have a king. We're an autonomous collective."
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Carcinization Station
Science enjoyer. Oaf of Competence Paladin. Observer that the existence of Action Comics # 1 implies the existence of Equal and Opposite Reaction Comics # -1 He/Him
55 followers130 following1.4k posts