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Blue Honey
Pro dogs, fun, politics, words, calligraphy, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, art, technology & knowledge nullifidian. We can do better. Up Lift Humans.
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Also in the context of the Harris-Walz Campaign clearly stating policy goals in a series of speeches, interviews, articles and websites while the trump-Vance Campaign literally has nothing. In fact, both Republican candidates busy spreading lies and stirring up conflict. It’s offensive.


It’s primarily in the context of a corporate media desperate for the chaos and conflict Trump will bring back to Washington because of the know anything, it’s that chaos and conflict sells and good government doesn’t.


The democrats win on facts, the republicans win on that vague, bitter bigotry that lurks in the hearts of people who could never get over the fact that they got a boner once in their high school locker room

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Blue Honey
Pro dogs, fun, politics, words, calligraphy, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, art, technology & knowledge nullifidian. We can do better. Up Lift Humans.
81 followers215 following587 posts