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Mike Olson
Mike Olson, 5'7", big knees, little heart, dry feet, tiny jacket, RPGs, salami breath, podcast references, Mike Olson.
108 followers46 following1k posts

Hm. This implies the existence of a Bandit costume.

Reposted by Mike Olson

His followers seem to be turning into an eschatological cult. He's promising the end of the world if he loses. When he loses, and the world doesn't end, he won't lose followers. They'll just mark a new End Of World date on their calendars, and be sad the world didn't end.


The two D&Ds.

Reposted by Mike Olson

God has abandoned us, and on the way out the door, he said, “You wanna see what embalming fluid would taste like if you steeped Oreos in it?”

Oreo flavored Coke Zero for some reason (why did I buy this? I don’t value my money or life.)
Reposted by Mike Olson

CBS News Says It Will Be Up To Vance And Walz To Fact-Check Each Other In Veep Debate In other words, Vance will be allowed to spew a firehose of lies with no pushback from “moderators,” who won’t actually moderate anything because CBS is scared of the right wing reaction.

CBS News Says It Will Be Up To Vance And Walz To Fact-Check Each Other In Veep Debate
CBS News Says It Will Be Up To Vance And Walz To Fact-Check Each Other In Veep Debate

CBS News says it will be up to the candidates, not the moderators, to fact-check each other.

Reposted by Mike Olson

Every American under the age of 29 has never voted in a presidential election where Trump was not on the ballot.

Reposted by Mike Olson
Reposted by Mike Olson

In addition to the blatant theft of creative works, so-called AI systems have placed a burden on ethical creatives and publishers of all sorts to find ways to demonstrate they and the people they work with are NOT using those systems ... as if creative work wasn't difficult enough.

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Mike Olson
Mike Olson, 5'7", big knees, little heart, dry feet, tiny jacket, RPGs, salami breath, podcast references, Mike Olson.
108 followers46 following1k posts