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some skeets in Norwegian/madness
410 followers723 following2.5k posts
Reposted by Seb

YOUR HISTORY TEACHER NEVER TOLD YOU- *me, checks lecture notes* I definitely told you. YOUR TEXTBOOK LEFT OUT- Me: It is on page 37 and again on 54. HISTORIANS NEVER ADMIT- Me: Look will you just admit already that you slept through class?

Reposted by Seb

Hillary knew, and talked about it fairly directly. Everybody in NYC and NJ knew. Media with HQ in NYC knew. The GOP knew. Top Democrats knew. Surely the members of the Intelligence Committees knew. Some of our “Five eyes” allies surely knew. The GOP LET IT HAPPEN. And nobody stopped them.

Reposted by Seb

Today’s rabbit hole. I really want to do this now. Also: Threads is awful anyway.

A thread from threads about using random made-up words and punctuation marks to break up text posts to avoid their hijacking for use as AI training data on Meta platforms. 

Sample: It obviously noorbik only works to bangoob make my posts useless - unless, of course mmaxxxting, everyone were to start doing it using the same made up words. Hops-puddle.
Thread continues. The obvious difficulty is that it disrupts services like alt text, which I don’t want to do. Hm.
The other problem - perhaps specific to threads - is that the algo may interpret it as noise and bury it. 

This meta-dialogue (ho ho ho) is not in the main thread; it exists only here as recompense for the absence of the borked ur-text.

Sample: At w:hat xom po&int, thou7gh lardek does the s/i\gnal -de;grade oooon too mÂŁuch gogogondu? and t:he w-hole be:c;ome ggggnoi )use(less parpsk?
Reposted by Seb

Ah, yes, welcome, natural disaster victims, to the victim blaming disabled people get when privileged people don’t want to think about scary things so they make them your fault. The last four years have been full of it. If you just make flawless choices, bad things can’t happen to you!

Reposted by Seb

“I think it’s high time the public* engaged in a public discussion** on [insert highly unpopular capitalist or racist bullshit here]” *Right wing media **Unquestioningly, endlessly propagandise

Reposted by Seb

You don't have to do all the shark themes, choose your favorites and just have fun expressing your love for sharks!🦈✨ Separate list for those who want: #Sharktober2024#Sharktober#Sharks#Art#Artchallenge#Promptlist


Not even near daily occurences of Americans raised in America by Americans mass murdering other Americans can slow down Americans thirst for violence, so of course a movie critical of Americans can't, but it does what movies can do: Hold up a mirror (that American journalists can lie about)

Reposted by Seb

Have you, the informed, American journalist, seen enough war reporting to oppose war? Has the rest of your fellow countrymen? Is war reporting, even right now, even slowing down US citizens' wish for war?

Reposted by Seb

If anything, I feel Alex Garland (also, NB: not an American), has made a rebuke directly to The People of the the US: Previous war reporting, previous war movies, seem to have made no practical impact in dissuading from future warmongering. And neither will this

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some skeets in Norwegian/madness
410 followers723 following2.5k posts