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Donovan P. German
Professor, UC Irvine. Nutritional physiologist, anything having to do with guts, including the microbiome. Mostly in marine systems. Gators fan He/Him
241 followers266 following86 posts
Reposted by Donovan P. German

Yes, that's right: some species of dragonfish - the Malacosteidae - emit red bioluminescence that neither they nor their prey have retina pigments to detect. Their eyes receive the red light and then convert it to a visible wavelength using biofluorescence.


OK. NotebookLM is crazy. Nefertiti Smith Christman (doctoral candidate in my lab) put one of my dissertation papers (German and Bittong 2009) on wood-eating catfishes into it, and it spat out this actually intelligent podcast: This is scary, y'all! 🧪


Apparently, I was BSky user #359,952. Had they not done that invitation only thing, it would have grown faster and been the place to be over Threads. Maybe it can still do it.

A virtual certificate with text "Celebrating 10M users on Bluesky, #359,952, Donovan P. German ‪‬, joined on Jul 24, 2023"
Reposted by Donovan P. German

We're so fucked. "Our analysis of a selection of questionable GPT-fabricated scientific papers found in Google Scholar shows that many are about applied, often controversial topics susceptible to disinformation: the environment, health, and computing."

GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar: Key features, spread, and implications for preempting evidence manipulation | HKS Misinformation Review
GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar: Key features, spread, and implications for preempting evidence manipulation | HKS Misinformation Review

Academic journals, archives, and repositories are seeing an increasing number of questionable research papers clearly produced using generative AI. They are often created with widely available, genera...


I was asked to write a "spotlight" piece for Trends in Genetics. It was fun to write about a recent paper that hits on a topic I have been thinking about for a while. Different kind of writing!

Reposted by Donovan P. German

According to Project 2025, wildlife only exists to get in the way of mining and drilling. I love how the authors spitefully target specific species like the Greater Sage-grouse. Better to watch them go extinct than leave a drop of oil in the ground!

The Endangered Species Act. The Endangered Species Act was intended
to bring endangered and threatened species back from the brink of extinction
and, when appropriate, to restore real habitat critical to the survival of the species. The act’s success rate, however, is dismal. Its greatest deficiency, according
to one renowned expert, is “conflict of interest.”82 Specifically, the work of the
Fish and Wildlife Service is the product of “species cartels” afflicted with groupthink, confirmation bias, and a common desire to preserve the prestige, power,
and appropriations of the agency that pays or employs them. For example, in one
highly influential sage-grouse monograph, 41 percent of the authors were federal
workers. The editor, a federal bureaucrat, had authored one-third of the paper.83
Meaningful reform of the Endangered Species Act requires that Congress
take action to restore its original purpose and end its use to seize private property, prevent economic development, and interfere
Reposted by Donovan P. German

Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.

Reposted by Donovan P. German

I'm excited to be recruiting a funded Postdoc and Grad student at U Hawai'i to study the phylogenomics and ecology of Basidiomycete yeasts in strange tropical habitats and hosts, leveraging our unique ecological gradients. Come find me at #IMC12 to learn more.

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Donovan P. German
Professor, UC Irvine. Nutritional physiologist, anything having to do with guts, including the microbiome. Mostly in marine systems. Gators fan He/Him
241 followers266 following86 posts