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Diana Williams
Neuroscience professor & mom, recently moved from FL to CA. I study neuroendocrine control of eating and energy balance. she/her
187 followers297 following22 posts

The Kravis Department of Integrated Sciences at Claremont McKenna College is hiring at the Assistant/Associate level neuroscience! Happy to discuss this or our other openings in physics and chemistry, please reach out if you have questions! #neuroskyence#womeninSTEM

Reposted by Diana Williams

This man did this out of public service to public lands, what we would want from all public officials. Donate if you can. “Gaddis, a single father to an 11-year-old daughter, has started a GoFundMe as he searches for a new job. As of Tuesday morning, the campaign had raised more than $26,000.”

Reposted by Diana Williams

So Utah, having passed a transphobic bathroom bill, has launched an online form for people to snitch on folks they think are in the "wrong" bathroom or locker room. Be a real shame if people on the Internet flooded it with fake reports:

Reposted by Diana Williams

I wrote _Campus Misinformation_ to help people recognize how exaggerations, distortions, and falsehoods about universities threaten higher ed and democracy. Campus misinformation erupted into public discourse around campus protests in the mid-2010s. It's happening again. 1/10

Reposted by Diana Williams

🚹 #journorequest: Are you a postdoc or grad student funded by the NIH? Are you excited/bummed about this week's announcement that they will be increasing salaries, although at a level below their own advisory panel's recommendations? Let's chat! For a story in Nature.

NIH to increase pay levels for pre- and postdoctoral scholars at
NIH to increase pay levels for pre- and postdoctoral scholars at

Increase applies to more than 17,000 research trainees and includes additional funds for childcare and training-related expenses.

Reposted by Diana Williams
Reposted by Diana Williams

After reading this article, and given what's happened at Texas A&M the last few years, it's clear the university's administration places a much higher priority on appeasing right-wing donors and alums than protecting faculty. It's beyond incompetence; it's active malfeasance, and overtly racist.

Why Texas A&M’s Lone Black Professor of Nursing Called It Quits
Why Texas A&M’s Lone Black Professor of Nursing Called It Quits

This is what it feels like to be in the cross hairs of the campaign against DEI.

Reposted by Diana Williams

Important paper! Free until end of May. Basic message : if U use methods that only distinguish between means of 2 groups, U will only find 2 groups. Binary in-Binary out. Imake the same point in a videoI will post tomorrow but not as rigorously 🌈🎓#TransInSTEM

From means to meaning in the study of sex/gender differences and similarities
From means to meaning in the study of sex/gender differences and similarities

The incorporation of sex and gender (S/G) related factors is commonly acknowledged as a necessary step to advance towards more personalized diagnoses 



Reposted by Diana Williams

this guy sounds like a huge asshole and the fact that he’s complaining about race and identity at NPR gives me a few ideas about the actual source of his discontent and the reason he went running to bari weiss’ rag

NPR in Turmoil After It Is Accused of Liberal Bias
NPR in Turmoil After It Is Accused of Liberal Bias

An essay from an editor at the broadcaster has generated a firestorm of criticism about the network on social media, especially among conservatives.

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Diana Williams
Neuroscience professor & mom, recently moved from FL to CA. I study neuroendocrine control of eating and energy balance. she/her
187 followers297 following22 posts