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Ernesto CastaƱeda
Director, The Immigration Lab; Center for Latin American and Latino Studies; and Full Professor in Sociology, American University, Washington DC. Immigration and the politics of the possible. Author of multiple books and articles. Public academic.
539 followers774 following288 posts
Reposted by Ernesto CastaƱeda

Trump "has an anti-shame ritual that he runs us through," observes author & sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild. In her new book, she decodes how Trump appeals to his base by "turning shame to blame"--& how it's been key to his political success.

Decoding Trumpā€™s ā€˜anti-shameā€™ ritual: New book explores the ā€˜politicized emotionsā€™ of MAGA
Decoding Trumpā€™s ā€˜anti-shameā€™ ritual: New book explores the ā€˜politicized emotionsā€™ of MAGA

Since announcing his first run for president, Donald Trump has effectively used the politics of grievance to build his movement and advance his goals. ā€œThatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m trying to understand,ā€ s...


Working link here (starts at "We have a duty"...


"We should not permit scapegoating instead of solutions, or rhetoric instead of results." ... "I would work to fix our broken system of immigration, and I would partner with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to do it."


ā€œContrast is clear. It's a choice between common sense solutions and the same old political games...Trump did nothing to fix the system ā€¦ He's still fanning the flames of fear and division ... That is not the work of a leader... an abdication of leadership...We should not permit scapegoating


"We need a pathway for citizenship for hard-working immigrants who have been here for years."


Clear understanding of immigration, fentanyl & border security by VP: ā€œFalse choice securing our border or creating a system of immigration that is orderly and humane. We must do both. And we need clear legal pathways for people seeking to come to our country.ā€ Thread


Most anti-immigrant voters will vote R. So, little to gain in the middle by further weakening asylum protection, and it comes at the expense of the mobilization of new citizens & children of immigrants with a memory, & progressives contemplating a third party. Being + on migration is a better tone.


So, contrary to what many others in the media have been saying, it is NOT that Harris is ā€œfalling back with voters on the issue of immigration.ā€ And that she was down 21 points from Trump on this issue. But the picture is more complex.


As I shared with UnivisionNoticias24/7, many polls show Harris ahead of Trump in the popular vote. These polls undercount her support among hard-to-reach populations. They also under-sample immigrants, Asians, and Latinos in states such as Arizona and Nevada. Most polls are only conducted in English

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Ernesto CastaƱeda
Director, The Immigration Lab; Center for Latin American and Latino Studies; and Full Professor in Sociology, American University, Washington DC. Immigration and the politics of the possible. Author of multiple books and articles. Public academic.
539 followers774 following288 posts