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The Derek Halliday
Just this guy, y'know? CANON MARVEL CHARACTER (for real!), First Appearance UNCANNY AVENGERS v3 #29. Likes: Comics, TV, Movies, physical objects. Dislikes: Shitheads. They know who they are. >: | Cis-Male, He/His/Him
169 followers591 following7.4k posts

...from the procedural aspect of the show, which really makes it feel like it's two shows happening simultaneously that don't really interact with each other that much. Also...maybe it's just because I've been watching a lot of horror lately, but the murder mystery aspect feels a bit tepid. ^__^;;;


I sort of want grislier, more twisty, murders. I miss HANNIBAL, PRODIGAL SON, ELEMENTARY...or even NANCY DREW (which was NUTS!). But then, I tend to prefer my procedurals being a bit broader, and this is very much...a murder in a small town. :P But it's solid! I'll give it a few episodes, I think

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The Derek Halliday
Just this guy, y'know? CANON MARVEL CHARACTER (for real!), First Appearance UNCANNY AVENGERS v3 #29. Likes: Comics, TV, Movies, physical objects. Dislikes: Shitheads. They know who they are. >: | Cis-Male, He/His/Him
169 followers591 following7.4k posts